Is the Alliance a joke?

And how does the horde won more in Bfa??? Our only ‘‘victory’’ war in the war of thorn and we didn’t get Theldrassil and now lost darkshore.

If you are still talking about cata, it have been said a million time. It was made to balance the fact that the alliance had more territory for the first 6 years.

Not as upset as the knowledge that SI:7 gets infiltrated by dragons/cults/demons every single freaking expansion. Mathias Shaw is the Boba Fett of WoW: Looks cool, but …well,


Is the Alliance a joke? Hmm…

"Hey, why did the chicken cross the road?

Nope, doesn’t work. The Alliance is not a joke.


If the Alliance is a joke, the Horde is the punchline…

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True. I’m pointing out that the only way we (WoW players) knew this was from outside the game. The warfront is in game. The knowledge the alliance are the canonical winners is not.


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Because alliance didnt really win anything doesnt mean horde won, horde though had a bigger victory in the sense that it was able to take down Sylvanas with Saurafang and the rebels and assistant Alliance boy.

That’s the thing, alliance won in some story sense and warfronts nobody cared about, they didnt win anything tangible, they didnt take oggrimar, they didnt take their resources and gold, they literally came in just like assistants to help with Sylvanas and they werent even that many according to the cinematic.

Usually when you win your opponent is on the ground destroyed, and you can either kill them or let them live under limitations, and nothing like that happened either.

They have a huge horde bias so they can never make horde even lose much, hell they literally burned an entire capital down and kills thousands, meanwhile Undercity was evacuated and not only that but it was used as a tool of tactical destruction of the alliance.

Sylvanas destroyed it, not the alliance.

Alliance didnt manage to do anything in this war victory wise outside some irrelevant warfronts, and unless they march to take Silvermoon now that they have most of easter kingdoms, OH WAIT WE ARE BACK IN PEACE NOW LMAO HAHA CANT DO THAT


I agree, but its true for a lot of thing. Someone just playing the game without reading website or book or looking blizzcon gonna miss a sh*t load of thing.

I was more talking about the fact that while you have to know it outside of the game, you can still see it in game.

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The Alliance Forces took a huge hit to their forces Anduin in Durotar was asked by Aliera if the Alliance and The rebel Horde should just stand by for the time being so the Horde could deal with N’zoth because the Horde was the only Force left that could have a chance.
So even in game it is stated the Horde was more powerful at this moment blizz said at blizz con Alliance won the 2 Warfront areas… Darkshore sure w/e Horde pulls out but why would the Forsaken give up more of Lorderon in Arathi? seems like Alliance favoritism to me so yes they are indeed a joke.

Supposedly Alliance have the military superiority. Yet that is not proven. Sure they ended up winning both warfront’s, but meaningless victories.

I say the Alliance should march on Ogrimmar, and force all the Orc’s back to outlands where they belong. They don’t belong here. The orcs have to go back.


The alliance, champion of the offscreen battles!

If it doesn’t happen in game or have any visible impact on any of the zones where we were victorious, what is the point?

Ashvale is suppose to be ours too, but I didn’t know we won that battle back in cata, that is how impactful our victories are.


You misinterpret what they said. They said that the Sylvanas army was their only chance to defeat him, not that it was the only force being able to. Its a big difference cause they were talking about the Sylvanas force PLUS the rebel and the alliance force being able to defeat him, not just the Sylvanas force.

Nearly erverywhere else in the game it was being said that the alliance was defeating the horde prior to this.


Except our fleet that got rezanbombed or whatever.

Our new gorillabro, and mekkatorque.

While it was technically an Alliance win - the Alliance did not force the Horde to leave, that was Sylvanas who chose to blight the city as a trap for the Alliance.



Alliance are the best.

Though could really do with some help removing all this blight from Darkshore.

I do not understand your beef, but good for you, you reached level 20.

Yeah but we burned down a few tents outside Mulgore 10 years ago, so it all evens out.

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Yes :blush:

It’s easy to write a bad story when you’re main content leader only insists on eating solely chicken nuggets without ketchup and cheeseburgers with ketchup only, hold the lettuce. I will admit the raids are decent and good fun but trusting a raider who probably doesn’t even read the quest text or play the other half of the game seems questionable.

That said the alliance mg is hillarious fun and a lot more people develop attachment to their ally toons than their boring ugly troll and generic beardless unmanly barbie elves lol who’s best option for facial hair is a swiggly baby hair stache lol.

You mean the fleet that was destroyed way befor that, the gorilla that was created for this only even and Mekkatorque that is back alive as the king of both gnome and machagnome while been like iron man now???

Still dont see what alliance lost by raiding dazar alor except for a gorilla that wasnt even with the horde befor…