
RWF will do degen things to the extreme, basing your conclusions on them is a big mistake. Even them admit it.

Planning and preparing for the fact people will EVENTUALLY have to take a night off isn’t “extreme.” It’s BASIC REALITY.

I can’t for the life of me figure out why you’re fighting this so hard.

EVERYONE who has ever raided for more than a week knows-- people take a night off.


Well I have raided cutting edge way more than you, so who knows.
Yes it’s easier to be constant with a bigger bench, but if you raid 3 days a week you can miss a couple days. The worse that will happen is a worse world ranking, oh no.

And that’s why every serious raid does it. Case closed.

I’m so delighted that YOUR raid doesn’t do it that way. But I already refuted that.

No one cares about one-offs. The GENERAL CASE is what dictates practicality.

You don’t go racing down the highway at 110 mph with no seatbelt because your uncle Jeff did it and he’s fine!

That’s what you’re arguing.

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Missing days raiding is a progress + guild killer.


Missing days raiding is a progress + guild killer FOR ALMOST ALL GUILDS.

Apparently it’s not for him. AND THAT’S FINE! I never said EVERY guild. I never said HIS guild.

But it’s just A FACT … that’s it’s true for MOST guilds. And that’s why they run a bench.

I had serious raids without it, you’re generalizing. I mean you’re still missing the point where I still think that it doesn’t matter at the end of the day because it’s worse to optimize numbers fights by fights.

Tons of people don’t raid during holydays or superbowl etc. It’s not a progress killer. People leaving your guild is a progress killer.

See above, Jeff. Your obstinance is boring at this point.

No problem Bill, just keep doing your aotc let people that enjoy 20man mythic do it.

After experiencing Mythic myself for the first time this expansion, and seeing how these tiers have unfolded, I completely reject Ion’s premise of tuning. There would absolutely be nothing wrong with allowing the raid to flex from 18 to 22 players. Absolutely nothing wrong. The margin of error in these raids is pretty wide, wide enough that even if scaling isn’t perfect player skill would be far more important than optimizing based on player raid size.

Now, I can see how some people might be concerned that with a flexible raid size, you’re more inclined to bench under-performers… but is that a bad thing? I don’t think it is. I think far, FAR too many guilds tolerate terrible players on their roster because they have no choice. And while I can see Blizzard arguing it is important for worse players to raid Mythic (because that’s sub money they’re making), we can see that Mythic Raiding as a scene is slowly dying and I’d argue a large part of that is many players are just dead-tired of carrying others.


Dude… literally WORD FOR WORD what I said. lololol

It applies to like 98% of raids, but NOT YOURS… and you keep going on like YOU are the 98%.

You’re not. You’re the 2%. AND THAT’S FINE! I said that, too!

But stop pretending that MOST good raids don’t run a bench.

I absolutely love this.

Blizz just clamors to that reason so they can overtune the raid hardcore for RWF while screwing over the other 99.999% of their player base.

But with that said, Heroic Jailer was a cakewalk and I don’t understand the complaints.

Where’s the limit then what if you have 15 good people but you need 18, it just applies all the same. People think making it flex would solve problems but they will still be there.

Mythic isn’t more dying than the rest of the game, sure there’s a small portion that does it. But if anything with SL it’s mostly casuals that have left.

If you want content with smaller roster do it, like I said before 10man can work. Just leave 20man alone.

If they don’t set it to a static number, then you WILL see mythic raiding guilds be like “Ok always bring only 19 for this guy, 22 for the next boss, and 21 for the boss after that” because there will be breakpoints that they change size to get around.

It is though.

And people keep trying to blame M+ but the reality is M+ has only highlighted that people are unsatisfied with Mythic Raiding.

SoD has poor player retention and people blamed it on the raid being too easy and therefore too boring. SFO goes the opposite direction and is arguably too hard, and it also has very poor player retention and people blame it on being too hard. Is there actually a Goldilocks zone or are people just making excuses for a dying game mode?

Well you’re gonna need numbers and tell me how much is it that makes it dying. Because wow has been dying for the last 20 years.


Yes. And that’s by design. Blizz wants comp to matter in mythic raid, and designs fights with raids having a certain class/spec in mind.

Alexa, google “Bellular raid engagement”.

We’re not talking about “WoW” dying, we’re talking about Mythic Raiding specifically.

If Bellular is your metric for the game dying, you’re kinda lost.

All he said basicly is for this raid numbers are bad, but this raid doesn’t work as others with the amount of nerfs and different tier sets acquisitions.

Three obvious reasons for Mythic raiding being unpopular that Blizzard doesn’t care about:

  1. No X-realm raiding until an arbritrary threshold is reached (whether it’s 100 guilds clearing it per faction or the game mode being so dead that Blizzard bypasses that threshold). Hurts pugging and small guilds.

  2. Raid lockouts that can be “stolen” by someone. Hurts pugging and small guilds.

  3. Having to find 20+ people with the same skillset, the same schedule, and the same realm (see #1). Hurts pugging and guilds.

Isn’t it great that Blizz found a way to make a game mode that hurts both pugs AND guilds?

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