I like the ebb and flow play. Meaning you harpoon your way in and disengage your way out when needed. That kind of mobility is something I friend refreshing after maining a green-fire turret.
I also liked that Blizz took a design risk to mix it up. It did not land for a lot of people, but I’d like to see them get a bit more adventurous with class design.
Change for the sake of change is NOT a good thing. Changing Survival to melee epitomises everything wrong with Legion class design. It doesn’t get a free pass because they “tried something new”. Besides, all they do is create new melee specs. They’ve never made a ranged one. Is making yet another melee spec really “adventurous”?
SV is the most fun hunter spec and most skilled. people only hate it cause they cant handle the high apm and skill required to pull off the perfect bombs. SV is my favorite alt!
You are entitled to your opinion for sure, but to claim that all the people that dislike survival hunter is ONLY because they hate high APM and lack skill is quite juvenile.
For instance, I dislike it because of its reliance on a pet. Can my opinion count?
The fact that it turned a very popular spec into a very unpopular spec makes it a bad idea. It was obvious that this was going to be the outcome, too, because they were stripping away the most recognisable, iconic strength of the class.
Would you play a Warlock spec that was completely locked out of using demons?
“Not landing for a lot of people” was more about execution than the merit of the idea. Cool ideas get driven into a ditch on a regular basis.
And, demonless warlocks have been a thing; and at certain periods in the game, widely played, through Grimoire of Sacrifice. Dead talent now - but due to math, not because every lock hates the idea.
That said, I’m not inclined to keep going back and forth on this. I get it, you hated the change. Some of us just can’t muster the passion for a change that is ancient history in game terms.
Where do you stand on project cleavage - fruit bowl?
There’s such a thing as an idea that’s fundamentally bad and this is one of them. Trying to define a spec around being a handicapped version of its own class doesn’t work. It’s hard enough to keep melee specs relevant in classes that aren’t explicitly based on ranged combat with a ranged weapon (Enhancement, Feral); who thought it would have worked out for Hunters who’s entire identity is predicated on ranged weaponry?
I knew you would bring up the talent which is why I said it. So what you’re saying is they provided that playstyle via talent without condemning the entire spec so that the unpopularity is confined to one ignored talent choice rather than a whole ignored spec. Funny how that works.
The part of the execution that was making it into a melee-spec is by large the main reason as to why it has gone through two major overhauls in two consecutive expansions without gaining any numbers to speak of when it comes to players investing in it.
The devs have said so themselves, this point isn’t really debatable.
I would say that a more accurate comparison to the case of SV would be to ask you what you think most Warlocks would say if they went about changing Affliction to no longer be about using spells/magic. Do you think most Warlocks would say that this would be a good change? A good idea? Or at the very least, if they changed it to no longer focus on DoTs, nor about using shadow magic of any kind.
If it(RSV) wasn’t a passion for you, no one expects you to make it so.
Heck, you pointed out that Hunter is your #2. Again, no one asks that you should make it your #1. But when you make a comment like…
…, expect there to be differing opinions and counter-arguments to why it was not such a good idea. Because for most players of this class, as proven by data, it wasn’t a welcome change.
Problem with that is you guys don’t really try to make it opinionated or a counter argument, but rather spew toxic nonsense. You try to speak for everyone when you cant do that. Its always so funny when MM or BM players talk about survival when they never even swapped over to that spec in the first place, much less know how it even plays. Survival is more fun than it ever has been. Its by far the most interesting hunter spec and fun to play. BM is for the brain dead and MM is lame and boring. But I know non of that matters because I dont live in 2014
First off, how would you know what I have or haven’t done?
Secondly, how does this counter the argument that most hunters aren’t interested in SV because of it’s focus on melee-combat? Like I said, it’s not a debatable point, it has been mentioned by the devs themselves that SV as a melee-spec does not appeal to most hunters because they sought to play the class due to it’s focus on ranged combat, using ranged weaponry.
Your ego is astounding… News flash, your opinion is just that, an opinion. No one dubbed you the defender of the hunter class. You not liking MSV does not in any way, shape, or form equate to its creation being fundamentally flawed. The fact you believe this explains why you’re still whining like a petulant child six years running…
They took a class that’s all about ranged weapons and removed them from one of the specs just to make it “special”. It’s the only spec in the game who’s entire premise is taking away from the core class rather than adding to it. That’s as fundamentally flawed as it gets. And as a result we have the objective fact that it’s the least played spec in the game and it’s consistently one of the least-played since it went melee.
What’s next, geniuses: a Rogue without Stealth? A Mage without spells? Since apparently removing the iconic part of the class just to be a snowflake is not a bad idea in your eyes?
Sure, if you ignore the pesky fact they had melee weapons at launch, and clearly there was some original intent when the game first launched. Your selective use of “facts” is highly entertaining though. Maybe in six more years you’ll mature beyond the incessant whining.