Oh really because according to 2019 Metroid it was absolutely not always melee.
Tried survival in BfA and didn’t like it. I think that’s just because I haven’t enjoyed melee in general. I’ve seen several guildies play the spec consistently and they really like it and they do some really good damage.
I kind of dig it, its a medium apm spec that can dodge mechanics and do most of its damage at ranged (plus who doesn’t want to be a unicorn spec).
While I preferred the ranged iteration, each xpac its been mdps has been an improvement over the last.
SV is fun, its a different type of play. Believe it or not, its not all about going toe to toe. You can jump in, do damage, jump out. You can use Eagle when you have to be range and need to keep mongoose up. You can Harpoon to avoid certain mechanics. Like get back to the eye first when you land on the platform. You can time out your bombs to make sure you have the effect up that works for the situation. Also you can play 3 different ways which totally changes your strat. That being the NTA build, Pouch build, or WFC build. PvP is a whole another level of play style.
SV is fun for those who understands how to really play it. Its not all melee, its not all range. Its a combo of both, and if you cannot adapt to that style of play, then it’s not for you.
It’s probably the funnest spec imo and the only Shadowlands class fantasy that i liked, the only down side is people ragging on the spec non stop because “muh ranged sv” which i get, but it gets old after a while. I love the freedom/hit and run playstyle of the spec which nothing else really fills that niche as well as current sv does.
It’s the only Hunter spec I enjoy playing! BM is just too simple, and I don’t like the Frenzy mechanic, and while I do enjoy MM every once in a while, I don’t enjoy playing without a pet. Plus, I feel like you get destroyed if a target gets to melee range in MM.
I love how, even though it is technically a melee spec, you can be a hybrid to fit your current needs, and even go full ranged once every couple of minutes with Eagle. I think they have one of the coolest looking Artifact Weapons, and I really enjoy the class fantasy and mog combos that you can play with. Plus, like others have said, there are a few different builds you can play with.
That being said, I do wish there were a couple things different about the spec. I wish there were more traps to use, specifically I wish Explosive Trap came back as a PvE talent with similar functionality to how it used to be. Dual wielding would be cool, but I’m okay with having a pole arm or staff. And finally, I feel like base Focus regen could be higher, but there’s talents you can pick to help with that. Also, decreasing WFB cooldown would be nice.
Again, quotin classic wow there bruh
You’re the one who said “SV was always a melee spec, ever since Vanilla”. This you said in the video from 2021.
But then, you also in the 2019 video said that “anyone who plays hunter to melee, is playing the wrong class”. You said that about SV hunter in Classic…
So, again, which one is it then?
your not making sense
SV is like the Swiss Army Knife of specs. Something for everything. It is a lot of fun, and I feel you’d be missing out not to try it OP.
Ironic that I can adopt to an inferior style of play: Marksman. And yet it doesn’t beat the “almighty” BM spec. Even so, neither MM or SV is doing so well that BM is the only spec that matters.
Just started 1 hes fun hes lvl 16 now
I can sting you with posion trap you and send my bear to maw you grapple you and stab you dead thats surival hunter there more fun then other hunters
Ranged Hunters can do all of that except for harpooning in and stabbing you which they don’t need to do because they have bows and guns.
That’s the core disconnect between people who like Survival and people who hate it: whether you appreciate being handicapped “for the hell of it” or not.
Surv spec is fun because someone in a position of power insisted that it be fun.
Give it up. You have made a part-time job out of dumping on Survival.
By your own logic, no melee dps classes should exist.
You’re the one who said those things, not me…
This was just… stupid. You should just reroll DH like the other spurgs
Legion and MoP Survival were my favourite but right now, I guess it’s an acquired taste. BM is too simple and it’s not really topping charts. MM is fun but it feels off to me.
Most hunters hate SV anyway so they should just go “screw it” with Survival and add something new every expansion. I mean after Legion, they took out Fury of the Eagle, Spitting Cobra, Caltrops, Sticky Bomb, Flanking Strike (now a talent) and etc.
I want something cool and weird, Blizzard. It’s not gonna be as good as other melees anyway!
I say give us Duel Wielding back and let us drop bombs when we die. I think MSV would be perfect then.