I’m not interested in transferring to BC servers, and I’m not interested in these new seasonal Classic servers, either. D3 totally burned me out on seasonal play.
When I first rolled characters on a Classic server, it was my understanding that the server would (eventually) be frozen in time as a no-changes “museum piece” and that my characters could basically roam that static world until it was shut down entirely.
Will that “static Classic” option still be available after the Classic seasonal feature goes live? If so, what does one have to do to choose (or stick with) that original option?
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You can play on standard Classic Era servers right now. Be aware though that they’re not very populated. I checked a server that has one of my hunters the other day and there were 5 horde online lol.
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Yes but those servers are dead AF. No one wants to play with WBs.
That is not true.
Check whitemane out.
BG pvp nights are friday from 7pm est. Queue wsg and AB. it feels like a real authentic vanilla experience with similiar-like realm locked bgs (mostly)
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Don’t be dense, WBs have nothing to do with it. Classic servers thrived for 2 years with WBs, and they died the same day that TBC was released. Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out the cause and effect here.
Also if people want to play without WBs, they would make a raid without WBs. There is absolutely nothing stopping them.
Classic servers are dead because people went to TBC.
As others have stated, that’s what “era” servers are supposed to be. Problem is that they are dead. The transition to TBC killed them, and I don’t think they’re returning. Blizzard really refuses to comment on them.
Give us a fresh start without the transition to TBC or “seasons” and that is the museum piece we all want.
Classic Era still exists, but I believe you’ll have to re-roll or buy a transfer to on one of the realms where all the classic era players have congregated.
newsflash: when you have to coordinate server-wide events just to get a BG going, the server is dead.
Which Classic servers are the ones where Alliance PVE players have now congregated? I’m not interested in PVP or playing Horde that much.
They are going to stick around. Note that there are now server-clusters:
It seems that most of the clusters have at least 1 active raiding guild. I would create a level 1 on each cluster/each faction and ask around to see if you can find a good fit.
Best of luck. Let us know how it goes, and where you decide to play!
Newsflash: You thinking Classic Era is dead when players are, still playing may be a sign of mental illness.
SOM servers going to be dead as well. 
Just transferred to whitemane. It’s pretty dead as well, just mostly dead, not completely dead like sulfuras
Permanent classic realms are already an option but you must be very careful of your realm choice since most realms are dying. Blizzard needs to axe most of the realms now but still has yet to even comment on the problem.
I seriously doubt world buffs had anything to do with the fall of classic. I wonder if you’ll still cling to this excuse when the new realms empty out in record speed despite disabling world buffs.
If you have to schedule BG nights, your server is dead.
Basically join a US East Server for PvE or US West Server for PvP.
They’re both reasonably lively. You’ll have guilds raiding Naxx on both of them.
Note even though it looks like there’s multiple US East PvE/US West PvP servers, there’s actually only one. All the realms in US East PvE and US West PvP are connected. It’s like they’re one realm except you can get around the 10 character limit just by starting characters on multiple realms on the same cluster.
Blizzard is intentionally trying to push everyone onto these servers, so the others will be fairly dead and increasingly so.
Check if your braincells are dead. People are still actively raiding, wpvping and queuing for BGs.