Is something wrong with the AH?

There are currently 113 Progenitor Essentia for sale for 1s each and the number of listings is continuing to rise. Attempting to buy any quantity results in an “Internal auction error” and the AH window starts to display a spinning “progress” wheel indefinitely until closed.

Progenitor Essentia are usually more in the 1,500 to 2,000 gold range in my experience, and combined with the error message & AH window going wonky, I think something must be wrong.

In addition to the large number of listings at 1s each, there are over 200 listed at under 5g each.

I do use addons, but no AH-specific ones and my gut says it’s not something on my end.


The Auction House is functioning perfectly fine for me! I’m up 4 tokens today :slight_smile:


I’ve noticed that enchanting prices have plummeted and nearly everything is under a gold now.

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Yeah, something is up.

Either the orc army is making it unusable for certain items, or Blizz needs a reset.


This is the power of bots. Everything is cheap


Nice on being up 4 tokens today, Imveryrich! That’s pretty hardcore if you ask me.

I have noticed a drop in prices as well, Beldrathor, though I’m not a “goblin” goblin in respects to the AH.

So it’s only certain items for you, Shazzbot?

I guess it’s possible that Progenitor Essentia have dropped in value - perhaps greatly - but there are now 222 listings at 1s each and they don’t appear to be purchasable, at least for me. I haven’t checked other items, just randomly noticed it with Essentia when I went to sell one.


Yeah, it’s almost like the snipers & scan/cancelers are in a big battle at the moment, region-wide, Friday night show down. It seems to be locking some items up.

I just don’t see those Progs being sub-1K gold yet…and certainly not below 50g, the vendor price.


Bots. They list items are that price and quickly cancel auctions of their own while buying everyone else’s who either:

  1. Use an addon and have no idea what they are doing, so it lists things for the lowest price, therefore being able to be purchased by a bot for nothing.
  2. Are bots themselves listing items and not monitoring them, so the other bots can buy them all cheap.
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AH bots invasion.


That may have partially been my fault.

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That makes sense to me, Shazzbot - thanks. I also agree on the front of pricing for the Essentia.

Akadruid, I could see that being a possible scenario, but if it were the case in point, wouldn’t all the listings at 1s be getting bought out? I can’t buy Progenitor Essentia at any price, currently.

Sinelius, I wager that is definitely a factor in whatever is going on, yes.

Assuming it’s an AH sniper & scan/canceler battle that’s causing some items to get locked up, what exactly can be done about it, if anything? Perhaps some form of throttling in respect to AH searches/listings is needed on Blizzard’s end?

If this is indeed the root cause, I doubt there is much a few individual players can do to affect the situation.

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Something is VERY wrong, progenitor essentias are 1 silver. Something is very bugged Blizzard you need to look at this ASAP.


Here you go, fresh from 2 minutes ago:


I suppose you can be buying mats en mass and then just sell them when they’re 2-3 g’s up and make quite a profit. Seems lucrative but i dont have the motivation to do it.

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I know, that is exactly my point.

I’m saying this is an example that something is wrong with certain items. Those would all be scarfed up but the internal auction house error is coming up.


Missives are also super messed and no one can buy any, been like that all day. I’ve heard on the wow economy discord of things going missing/gold given or taken randomly (take it with a grain of salt of course), but if the bugs persist I hope they do another down time of the AH to try and fix soon.


Damn, I was trying to buy one too. I need one and I can’t any of em.

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Its cuz we got force merged with everyone so now the best become the worst.

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