Blizzard messed up.
Gotta love when major bugs happen right before Blizz leaves for the weekend. Somebody gonna have to work today to fix this or there will be alot more raging
did they fix it yet
omg if only it was working. the profit margin on buying those to simply vendor would be insane compared to the investment. like 50000% profit.
113 you got to be kidding me what region is this US or EU because now it’s region wide and I hope those stuff are commodities.
so… maybe bliz did something that made it not want to sell things below the vendor price and puts them on hold.
and since you cant choose to buy a more expensive one by itself it locks up the entire item till all listings below vendor value get returned to the seller?
it would have to be a recent change if bliz broke it because there was no issue buying things below vendor price before.
I managed to buy one with versatility but no matter how many times I tried to buy one with mastery, I couldn’t do it. It said they were available and still I got errors. I even tried to purchase one at a higher price, but no. It forced me to try for the lowest - which gave me errors. Like… I just want to craft my legendary lol
I can’t buy gems.
im tempted to see if it will let me sell a progenitor Essentia for 1s but that would cost me 30g in deposit.
It let me list one, didn’t really care about deposit.
And the amount of listed Prog Essentias keeps increasing
I listed a pure-air sail extension for 1 silver to test (vendor price is 25g), and it sold fine. So I’m guessing it’s not this.
I’d love to hear a Blizzard explanation of what exactly is happening in that screenshot.
More than likely a troll posted low intentionally to trick people into posting at the same price or lower. So they can buy low and sell super high. The AH is a.mess now thanks to TSM and bots since it went region wide. Blizzard needs to either revert the change, or reign TSM and the bots in to stabilize the AH.
TSM wasn’t even able to reliably buy, post, or cancel commodities until about 24 hours ago, and this issue has been going on for longer than that, so it’s not TSM.
You can, in fact, buy these items (including Essentia!) for the lowest price listed. You just need to try 50 times.
While I acknowledge that bots do exist and are likely contributing, in some form or another, to the issues we’ve been seeing, I think the much more likely explanation here is a combination of actual bugs plus the fact that maybe, just maybe, there’s now multiple orders of magnitude more players, all with very different latency to the AH servers, trying to buy and list the same auctions in the same pool, and that’s what’s wrecking havoc.
Can confirm that it is possible to buy even Essentia that’s underpriced like this. I got a ton of “Internal Auction Errors” (hence what brought me to this post) when I attempted to do just that (b/c no way am I selling for less than vendor price, and I figured I’d buy 'em up and at least vendor them if nothing else)…for the most part it didn’t work, but I did manage to snipe one.
when I just tried that a popup said the lowest price was like 800g
Please stop spamming this nonsense. TSM had absolutely nothing to do with this issue.
This is 100% a coding issue on the Blizzard API.
no way people are that stupid. is that a UI error?
Well, you can’t buy any of them, so I’m guessing it’s a bug on Blizzard’s end.