Is Shadowlands even worth being called an expansion?

Am I the only one who thinks Shadowlands shouldn’t even qualify as an expansion? No new class, no new (NON-ALLIED/REP GATED) race, no new systems… All we have is a level squish and some new place that’s branching off from WoLK? Should that just be a patch?

I’ve always held the belief that Blizzard’s retention strategy/model since Activision merged with them was one good expansion with a new class then one bad expansion without. So:

WoLK: Great + New class
Cata: Bad - No new class
MoP: Great + New class
WoD: Bad + no new class
Leg: great + New class
BFA: Bad + no new class

(The thread is about Activision-Blizzard, Activision didn’t exist during TBC. They merged during Wolk)

As the pattern went, Blizzard put a lot more thought and effort into every expansion with a new class. I was sure we’d get either Tinkerer or Necromancer or Dragonkin Humanoid, ideally a mail class to balance things out in the armor category, but no we get nothing this expansion and it worries me. (You can think I’m crazy, I’m just venting/wanting to hear your guys’ feedback)

I understand, we haven’t even played the expansion! Some of you will say. But Blizzard just continues dragging it’s name through the mud so frequently I can’t help that my skepticism is at an all time high.

I don’t want blizzard to fail. I want them to succeed! But it’s just so depressing. I remember when Blizzard scrapped Titan in 2013 because it didn’t meet their quality standards and I can’t help but think that if that game were made now, no matter how bad, it would’ve been pushed with how they green lit Warcraft 3 Refunded in it’s sorry state.


you aren’t


I’ll wait and see, but I have never been less confident in Blizzard


It is nearly a year away and we knew very little about it yet. I mean this topic is the prime example of why these forums are not worth Blizzard paying any attention to.


Legion was great, but not because of it’s new Class.

Legion was great DESPITE it’s new Class.


I’m more concerned by Blizzard’s overall approach to design than whether we get a new race/class or not.


Compared to all the other Blizzcon expansions trailers this one is the most underwhelming. And don’t act like they’d pay attention even if it was worth doing so.


I want to see a lot more info for Shadowlands before I pass judgement. But as of right now with what we were shown at Blizzcon, things are looking pretty grim.

Race customization… cool. What about new race/class combos? What exactly are we getting unpruned? Will we get any of the azerite traits from our gear rolled into our classes? Is everything going to hinge on Covenants?

Lots of questions and very little shown.


Well with topics like this, do you wonder why they don’t? I mean seriously?!?


Plenty of expansions haven’t had classes added.

That’s just you trying to support your own little narrative by excluding a group that is likely to come in this expansion.

That’s just a lie. There are tons of new systems like Soulbinds, craftable Legendaries, etc…

That’s not all we have. You’re just cherry picking to avoid having to say that you don’t even know why you’re hating on a product that hasn’t even been datamined.


I’d rather them fix classes than add new ones. You can’t add many more iterations of tank/dps/healer than we already have. Make the existing ones enjoyable with content that’s challenging and fun.


all the poorly received ones, try reading the post…

Is this projection or hypocrisy?


How about you watch the deep dive so you can actually understand what you’re talking about.

1 Like
  • 5 new zones
  • 4 new factions
  • A new capital city
  • 8 new dungeons
  • Torghast
  • All new level cap and leveling story
  • A whole new raid

Yep. Sounds pretty Expansionny to me.


Hey, has it ever occurred to you that a new class doesn’t guarantee an expansion’s success?


I guess every expac is going to have this, but I have lots of questions about these “new” features and customizations.


Exactly, which is why they are expansions and not just content patches!


Yes, did you read the post?

All successful expansions with Activision had a new class, all poorly received lacked one

Correlation doesn’t equal causation, I’m not stating it as fact, try to keep up or at least READ.


The Burning Crusade.


That person forgot to mention the new Legendary system, Soulbinds, and new customization options.