Is Shadowlands Bad?

Well for some reason unknown to all but God blizz decided that chores were a good and fun mmo design.

Now we have literally nothing but chores every week on every toon with nothing else to do, granted raids fun but that’s it.

Maw chores
Torghast chores
Weekly m+ grind chores
Azeri…I mean anima chores
Trash world quest chores (why make em longer?!?)
When are my chores over so I can play bliz?

And don’t even get me started on the pathetic state of PVP in SL. The loots good but man is it a trash gameplay. Cc,cc,cc,cc,fear,cc. Or just convoke nuke and things die cus EZ mode.

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“Teams creating systems and teams creating content should be separate.”

No, this isn’t how game production works. You don’t “create content” (whatever you think that means) in a vacuum with no consideration for the systems and constraints present in the product. Also, since when did game consumers start thinking that systems don’t constitute “content”? Oh man, you hit me right in the system designer feels. We only shepherd and enable the entire experience, no big deal.

Gross… it still shows how freaking weak these story writers are… that they commandeered the most popular and recognized story of Warcraft… and tried to use it to legitimize the jailer. Lazy writing. To me the jailer and shadowlands is non-canon.


This is absolutely true. I’ve been spending more time in other expacs than in SL; MoP and WoD specifically. Once I hit lvl 40 renown today, there really wont be much for me to do in SL. I don’t raid or mythic and the world quests don’t give me any more upgrades. So when the next bit of the story comes, I’ll go back and do that. But then will hit that wall once more and move on to other things.

Nailed it.

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My biggest problem is everything is down sized. The map areas, the area stories feel incomplete due to being closed off into covenants. The open areas are now instanced. The sharding being weirder and more strict than before, it doesn’t have that MMO feel.

Torghast does not have really much variety and just is dull compared to other Rogue-lites. Or even the FFXIV towers it copied.

The Maw is an area you design when your fun depends on others’ misery.

Their legendary fix intended on putting a huge bandaid on the problem of professions. But you only need to level any profession from scratch to know that needs an overhaul. It’s not only suffered from things being obsolete in game so fast, but from the level squish itself. Plus legendaries became something you just run to the AH for. A currency and vendor like the end of Legion would have been better.

Barely any gear drops turned out to be very boring.

We need more off to the side content like professions quests, world secrets and Brawler’s Guild.

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Wait so what we need is good mmo mechanics?


Sl is Ions third flop out of 4 xpacs, what we need is a new lead dev.


You’re level 60, either you have had to experienced why it is bad or just starting drama by asking what makes it bad.

I’ve personally enjoyed Shadowlands a lot! I’d like to see some improvements with the Maw and Torghast. That’s pretty much the most important changes I’d like to see.


I think “bad” is mostly subjective apart from say, bugs and things like that.

There are things about Shadowlands I don’t like- not really a fan of Torghast, or the covenant system’s implementation (I like the concept though), and certain PVP things- but I am enjoying a lot of other things about it, and I personally don’t think this is a bad expansion, at least not for me.

I did not like BFA and hated azerite traits more than anything else I have ever hated in the game, so for me, BFA was a bad xpac, but I am sure there are plenty of people out there who liked it and thought it was good.

Lore wise- meh. WoW lore has not really been terribly interesting in a long time and is mostly just kinda generic. I like the covenant stuff to an extent but I wouldn’t say anything about the game’s lore is amazing. Doesn’t bother me though, that’s not really why I’m here. But again, just personal preference

I think the problem is that they scratch the surface with each races lore, but never dive into it. If an expansion was built around the races of wow, and the zones they come from (core races for now) then they have a nice building block to go on. We still have Aszhara whom is probably the last good and believable villain to fight with too, even if she has to transcend from the Naga.

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I plan to see what 9.1 has to offer. I will make my decision what direction I will go in afterwards.

I have done what I want to do in the game and taking a break it’s a refreshing break.

I hope its better than what it now…and that hope is waning.

You know how it’s said, when you question something, it raises doubt. So you have doubted.

I think what is mostly getting to me is that the content available outside of the instanced stuff is not keeping me interested. Torghast and the world quests feel somewhat dull and I think it has to do with the rewards. Rewards overall are not incredibly amazing this expansion considering we can only be in one covenant.

It’s like yeah there are things there to do but why do I want to do it? That part is missing.

It was OK for the first month, now it’s worse than wod.

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It’s nowhere near as bad as bfa.

Is cake bad?

I wouldnt say its bad, but it feels like its barren outside of Mythic + and raiding. Personally, PvP is in a very frustrating situation, with the punching down of higher item level gear and the carries because of it.

Short answer: Yes.

Long answer: Yesssssss!

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Pfffffftttt you just don’t understand higher level writing! Hulk Hogan teamed up with his life long nemesis Macho Man Randy Savage to work with Razor Ramon and Kevin Nash to become the most popular team of heels in wrestling history and everyone loves the nWo!

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