What makes Shadowlands a bad expansion?
I would like to know all the points, including pve, pvp, lore etc.
What makes Shadowlands a bad expansion?
I would like to know all the points, including pve, pvp, lore etc.
Is it bad to you artaz? If not, who cares?
The fact that Sylvanas is somehow on the same faction as Kel’Thuzad and the dude that created, empowered, and puppeteered the Lich King still boggles the mind. I really think this might be a case of super bad writing.
The content is pretty great. I would argue against anyone who says this launch was worse than almost any modern WoW expansion.
BUT Blizz has absolutely shot themselves in the foot. No one will remember it fondly because 9.1 is taking so unbelievably long
Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.
9.1’s delay is absolutely due to COVID reasons. The only recourse would have been to delay 9.0 enough such that there wouldn’t be as big a gap between 9.0 and 9.1.
And considering how the initial delay, which only lasted a month, was received by the community, something tells me an even longer delay wouldn’t have gone over well. Especially since that meant we’d still be trapped in BFA right now.
Honestly, I’m fine with the content we have as is, no matter how long 9.1 takes. The dungeons and raid are cool.
No it’s just that the .0 patch is way too long.
If you don’t raid or m+, It’s the worst expansion ever.
imagine asking an entire forum to formulate your whole opinion
I enjoy SL. Could use a better torghast, make soul ash available from mythic dungeons or something as an alternative to farming boring layer 8s each week (not that it really matters because I already have 9k soul ash, something tells me I’m going to need it later in the expansion).
PvP is just as boring as it always has been; arenas just as frustrating at times. I’m more a mythic plus player and raider and it’s alright, definitely looking forward to some new content but I’m not disappointed the patch is taking so long. It’s let me level 6 different level 60’s and gear 4 of them to nearly 220-224ilvl range, and decide to change mains if I wanted to without feeling totally behind on progression.
I don’t disagree with what you’re saying. Personally the more time I have to push RBGs the better
However, the community opinion will consistently drop. Not just the GD, but those who liked it.
I understand there are reasons for the these delays, but I don’t think they can pull the COVID card for all of this. I would imagine this is more of an issue caused by higher ups/management.
Forum Mod Edit: This post has been edited by a moderator due to language. https://us.battle.net/forums/en/code-of-conduct/
Well, it’s not good. They took some of the worst parts of BFA and smooshed them into a smaller world though they did make some minor improvement tweaks to the very worst bits (corruption is now limited to Torghast).
I personally do not think it to be a bad expansion at all.
However the points of criticism from what I’ve seen are:
People feel disconnected from Azeroth in a way that is different to both the Legion and WoD. These are brand new races in a new world and there is a feeling of distance. This makes it a hard sell compared to expansions that were based around strong established lore.
Areas of SL feeling disconnected. Oribos is the airport and you’re whisked between zones. There is no interconnection like the way the main BfA/Legion/WoD/Pandaria etc did.
Ripcord/yada yada. I like the way covenant skills are personally but mentioning it as a point here because many players do not like having to choose between practically and a sense of satisfaction choosing a covenant they enjoy for aesthetics.
Thirst for new content. I give the company a pass on this, I understand how hard it can be to actually make game content in times like this and am pretty impressed by the development we’ve had so far.
Leveling isn’t bad and the stories in the individual zones are ok. Not a big fan of the on the rails style of questing though.
Haven’t done any end content yet because I am still questing in Revenderth.
The overall story doesn’t grab me at all. Feels silly, much like the BFA storyline.
I’m increasingly starting to take the opinion that “community opinion” isn’t really a relevant metric anymore. There’s only so many times I can read “WoW is dead” threads before the phrase ceases to lose all meaning. BFA was routinely called WoW’s worst expansion, we had almost a full year of 8.3’s patch, and Shadowland’s launch still broke records.
It seems to be the case that the loudest voices that decry the current state of WoW continue to be invested in the game, in which case they’ll come back whenever new content is released anyway.
Its aight…
It’s not bad, there’s stuff to do, but you run out eventually and you feel compelled to play alts to continue keeping busy. Clearly more needs to be added to it, as quickly as possible, I’m sure Blizzard is working on it.
Just about everything for me, tbh.
I wish the story was better because this is terrible. I’m so sick of Sylvanas.
It’s bad.
Reason: I think it’s bad.
Your results may vary.