I’ve always been a PVE only player in WoW, so I can only speak through that prism…
TL;DR: Rewards in M+, Torghast and Maw, being denied a ground mount in the Maw, having to PvP to get PvE gear at a decent rate caused a ruckus between the 2 communities.
Was really cool the first few times… but nowadays it’s just a alt chore. There are NO meaningful rewards after the first legendary.
From launch we could possibly have farmed 17000-20000 Ash, enough for 3 max iLvl (or a lot of low iLvl) Legendaries… which brings me to the next point:
-Legendaries are disappointing.
We have so many different powers to choose from, yet, there’s always one that’s MUCH superior to the others in EVERY aspect, Single DPS and AoE alike… that’s my experience from playing on a Warrior (prot and fury), Shaman (enhancement and resto) and rogue (Outlaw and Assassination).
Every spec has a NUMBER ONE Legendary… the others either would work well with a second one or are simply worse… and we can only use one at a time. There’s no reason at all to build a second legendary, since we can’t we even Transmog the Legendary skins… for some reason.
With that, Torghast became Altland… and people hate having to farm torghast with their alts.
-The Maw is a horrible zone!
Maps being overly vertical without flying are a problem for a long time (Nazja’tar, Frostfire… every Legion zone except Suramar), albeit a resource for the Devs to crunch more content into less space… but being denied a ground mount was the worst experience I had in Shadowlands.
I didn’t even finish Ve’nari’s questline in the Maw… I dropped it on week 2. I got the Torghast Mount, since I still enjoyed it at the time… but I don’t think I’d do anything on the Maw, even if I could Fly/Teleport everywhere.
-M+ drops are VERY BAD
I heard that they lowered the drops so that raiders wouldn’t farm M+ like crazy before their World First attempts, and also that in BFA M+ trivialized Raiding gear.
If that was the case… why haven’t the drops been raised again? The Mythic competition is done already and the drops still suck.
The Chests are supposed to balance it out and help the player “Target” which slot they want for gear, but they are weekly and drop gear on the slots you have a Legendary… don’t check for doubles (Rings are still Unique-Equipped too)… The last two points are things people complain since the start of BFA.
-PvPing so you can PvE
Pretty much what people have been complaining for years, but instead of Top Arena players having to farm Raids for BiS Trinkets, on Shadowlands you have PvE players (mostly M+ Players) rushing into the PvP world for more consistent gearing.
Bring the player, not the class was the old motto, but in M+ it’s all about Bring the iLvl and IO.
To get IO you need Gear… and if M+ drops are bad, while PVP gearing is better, you got that influx of M+ players to PvP alright.
I get the idea. Getting people to experience all of WoW’s content before facing the drought, before they get bored… but this wasn’t a good answer.
People coming from PvE tend to optimize farming. Bring that concept to Honor/Conquest and mix them with people that want to genuinely face other players in combat and you have a big problem: PVErs quit as soon as they think they can’t pull a 5 minute win with that attitude
"Drop this game ASAP, it’s faster honor that way"
And it might be… but what about the people who were there to… you know… pvp? To have fun? One group sabotages the other’s objectives and all that’s left is flaming.