Is selling/buying items from dungeons considered GDKP?

Gdkp is just a bigger dungeon service. You can get banned if people report you, and blizzard won’t care, which they also said. They said do it at your own risk. They’re all bad imo, but I don’t make the rules.

The summons are price fixed and use dual boxing. Like, also gets you banned lol.

gdkp’s are not a dungeon service, they are a raid item bidding system where the person who bids the most gold wins the item. Selling a dungeon item for a static price is not the same.

I don’t make the rules nor enforce them. It’s banned gonna stay banned. They even explained it when they revealed anniversary.

And hears a good anecdote. Go play diablo immortal, lost Ark, or black desert? Oh wait they suck? Why’s that? Yeah… P2w is why.

It’s still not a gdkp.

Multiboxxing is not against the rules.

Using software to make it easier or pass commands is.

They have said simply running multiple clients is fine as long as it’s all manual using alt tab to control each instance individually.

Also here is the exact quote for GDKP ban for anniversary servers. They did not specify if this applies to dungeons. The quote provided earlier is only a quote for the SOD servers. So under my current understanding, I could sell dungeon boosts because they are not GDKP.

Expect we all know they’re automated and won’t do anything if you don’t pay. They’re breaking tos majority of the time.

multiple detection methods for RMT is still OMGTOOHARD (apparently) \o/ \o/ \o/
so since we’re incompetent, selling Blackstone Ring runs is the same as selling Gressils for 200K gold.

Yeah, that’s why they sell full runs now.

There is no reason or need to use software assisted multiboxxing software to summon people.

I doubt anyone would risk a ban using software (That they now can automatically detect running on your system) when they can alt tab to do it just as fast.

Well blackstone ring buyers are usually afk, while gressil buyers tend to be top 5 dps in those raids.

Only one of those players is getting carried and buying items.

The warlocks do. You say inv to a level 1, auto invited, another level 1 and a level 20 warlock summon you. You don’t pay, get sent a message blacklisted by a level 60 warrior in sholo. Bro.

Even a lot of the boosters are bots.

Method Raid Tools addon does the auto inviting using key phrases. When it’s raid time (or summon time lol) anyone can message you invite or inv to get invited.

It’s probably that warrior doing it with 4 instances of the game running. You hear the jingle of party invite and initiate the summon, then tab click twice and its done within 5 seconds.

Not saying bots don’t exist, just putting it out there that this is easily accomplished without it.

Most fun I had in classic, I main lock, is after raid sell summons with guildies. But undercut them by a lot. The begging to raise prices, the death threats. Hilarious.

While I may be skeptical about them botting, it’s probably much more likely they are selling the gold.

Don’t even need BoED to do that. We can farm Naxx trash too :slight_smile:

In SoD it applies to dungeon loot as well and if following same rules.

Yeah. Sometimes I have to put what they say in translate. Discovered India is the common point of origin. Definitely made someone miss rent.

This technically falls under the GDKP umbrella.

That being said I have not heard of anyone being banned for it.

Do it at your own risk I suppose.

I haven’t heard it either. But, every boost run I see posted is selling full runs for XP. Probably to avoid confusion.