Is RMT, GDKP, and Gold Buying banned yet?

They’ve already stated a solid position that GDKP is allowed, “for now”.

It isn’t. If you get RMT gold in any other case you’re subject to getting actioned.

Than what? Other loot systems don’t even involve gold.

Every BoE?

I don’t buy a BoE from the master looter when it drops. Unless I’m in a GDKP that is.

Of course a retail kid cant read 2 replies down showing proof lol

Oh you don’t use the AH?


Yall are the ones hoping you get botted gold in your gdkps :skull: why would blizzard be at fault that you chose to accept that gold? You know gold buyers are in gdkps. Thats a great reason to be banned imo

So your argument is that RMT is more prevalent in the auction house? That’s just a complete non-sequitur when you were being warned that coming into possession of sold gold could get you actioned regardless of the method you received it.

GDKP is the only loot system where gold changes hands, so of the loot systems it is the only one where you’re risking possession of bought gold.



Does RMT exist? Why is blizzard refusing to deal with it?

Cool, you’re dodging the question so we must be clear :+1:t4:

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I get you’re biased but putting that aside there is 0 chance you convince any logical person that it’s the customers responsibility to police the game for blizzard and if they don’t they can be actioned.

You have to be extremely dense to not see how dumb what you’re saying is.

Nope I’ve made my answer clear.

RMT gold is in everything, blizzard refuses to deal with it, and you trying to blame GDKP makes you laughable.

gdkps certainly exist because top end players benefit from the insane RMT/Botting on classic lol.


Dude, what? If you routinely receive bought gold you’re risking a ban. Go nuts!

I’m also all for permanent bans for any gold buyers, so if you wanna advocate for that just tell me where to sign.
I’ve routinely said that I don’t take issue with GDKP (advertised in /trade). My criticism has always been that it is the only outlet for gold buyers to purchase the best gear in the game. If gold buying weren’t a thing, I still wouldn’t join one, because I don’t prefer transactional gameplay, but I wouldn’t have anything to criticize about it existing.

Tell us all how to know if someone buys gold and I won’t play with them so I don’t risk my account.

Please point them out with 100% accuracy


And is GDKP the only outlet for RMT?

Keep in mind according to blizzard’s current stance you could be banned for selling a 5s herb on the AH.

No, you would not, unless you sold an herb worth 5s for 1M gold or something AND that gold came from a gold seller account.

They are looking for anomalies. Significant transfers that fit a criteria, or patterns of interactions with gold seller accounts.

This was already addressed in the thread. You are arguing something that simply is not true. Your statement is so exaggerated as to be unrealistic.


I am indeed exaggerating the theoretical.

Why do those theoreticals exist?

Can blizzard clarify that? No transfer over say 10k in SoD matters?

That would clear all the legit GDKP’s from worrying.

Yes. Within the context of loot distribution methods.

If I sell a 500g grey and it gets bought by a known seller it’s very likely gonna result in a ban. A known seller/buyer buying my at-cost materials off the AH isn’t gonna raise any flags because it’s at-cost. I could sell it to anyone for that price, so my account is clearly not taking advantage of RMT, cause I could sell it to literally anyone at that price.

Unless you think people are paying to get people to buy their items off the AH at-cost lol