I can see you’re just a troll so thanks for playing. I’ll just go cry quietly to myself because I didn’t take the time to figure out how to hyper link on this forum instead of learning math. You got me.
I read the thread, and nobody explained it the way that I did, and I’ve read your argument that “this is just statistics” and “your 23 year old coworker can figure this out” but after actually looking for the source of your data what I found - as an actual economist who does high-end economic data extrapolation using API-provided data - is that your data set is basically just assumptions and you don’t know the veracity of the data you’re citing, which is why you’re not explaining it and just attack people when they call you out.
Is it completely unreasonable to estimate that there are around 6m global subs right now? No… it’s probably not far from that.
But the truth is that neither of us actually know that, and that neither have the data to show it, and that there is no magical statistical extrapolation that will give you good numbers on this. You just don’t have good source data and you’re operating solely on assumptions.
Just admit it, be done with it, and regain some integrity. You don’t have the data, it’s that simple.
Some of this is true, but the quest types? Almost all now are kill or gather quests. Yes, there are a few puzzle quests, but there are some types of quests that existed in Classic that don’t any more. You should have heard the repeated cries of “this quest has a time limit?” in Aldrassil last night.
Where “bring the player, not the class” has become “any player can boost the meta class”, yes. Not an improvement.
This is useful information.
That’s not what I found. What I found was that my love for classic had to do with its giving us people to play with. We’re a long way from getting that in retail.
Still upset? Still cant provide any info to back up your claims? Its ok. Lashing out though still, after multiple requests for this from multiple people and being unable to provide it? Hiding behind the excuse were “trolling” you? Just weak.
I had to add that because it’s part of what I do for a living. People love to use anecdotes or hearsay as “evidence.” There were people in the BG forum not long ago that did this and it sadly took telling them a for months before they realized this.
Pot meet kettle. Stats can be produced, and linked. Stats pulled out of your butt can’t. You have nothing. Thanks for playing, but you get nothing but a big fat Nomi sandwich
What APIs do you use and what is the nature of your projections because I don’t believe you are an “economist” who isn’t capable of understanding this, unless you mean you just have an undergraduate degree in economics. Which means you have basically only taken freshmen level math.
Both games are paid with one sub fee… Blizzard will continue to make expansions and content for retail… So no, retail is not dead or dying… In fact, a lot of the sub money from the classic exclusive players will be used to fund retail. So thank you classic players for keeping retail alive!
I have repeatedly addressed your argument and provided you with where you can find the data yourself as I can not link to it on this forum. If you’re unwilling to take a second to actually look that is not my problem.
I like to think Blizzard will watch the progress of Classic and use their observations to re-evaluate and improve (or even remove) some of the systems in retail… thus making the game better for E V E R Y O N E
Ad hominem was a bigger problem once the armory came out because you could insult someone’s gear rather than answering their question. Vanilla was all about calling people who disagree with you a “troll” and reporting them.
Quests exist now that have time limits, but they’re largely unpopular which is why they’re not common. I played classic for years, the questing now is MUCH more varied than it was. I’m not dogging classic by saying that… grind quests were expected back then. It’s just that there’s more variety/mechanics now. Things like vehicle quests, bomb quests, etc… add some spice to the dish.
That’s a matter of opinion. I see where you’re coming from but what you’re not considering is that players who are used to playing ret, for instance, will level up to 60 expecting ret to be viable if they don’t otherwise know and then find that people expect them to be a buffbot/cleansebot in raid content. That’s going to be a shock to some people.
Better than half the specs that exist in classic are considered non-viable by a large portion of the player base. They’re not always wrong, either. That’s going to cut the appeal for some regardless of either of our takes on the meta game.
Plenty of people play retail. I play with people on retail. You just have to travel outside of the automatic grouping system and/or actually talk to people.
As long as Blizzard gets the queue issues corrected and Classic good and smooth I have no desire at all to play retail and I have played since Vanilla just prior to the AQ world event. Me and my old friends/Guildies (some of us became friends during vanilla) had so much fun playing classic and planning and discussing 5/10 mans and raids it was close to the old times. I know it is a pipe dream I just wish I could reduce my old main down to lvl 60 again lol.
I like to sit down and play and dont have the time for the resetting gear grind anymore. Whether I log tomorrow or 6 months from now BIS will still be BIS. I love the idea. To each his own and have fun with retail?