Is Retail Dead?

I don’t think their in game account got banned, but just their forum account. Some guy said he got a month long ban for it back in wod


I think once people get past the quick early levelong period and the grind at about level 40, most of the tourists will head back to BFA.

Immediately discredited everything you have and will say.

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There could be a barbed wire fence with navy seals in front of his cave and people would still bend over backwards to feed the trol. The amount of people outing themselves as not having read any of the thread but still feeling the need to get in their comment/opinion is the reason I do it guys.

you too! to each their own. giving people choices will hopefully be good business for blizz and good fun for us

party poopers i guess

The game had just come out and MMOs were a relatively new genre that hadn’t hit the mainstream. Not sure the point of your post. Is it just bad trolling? Just because WotLK peaked WoW’s success - it was the OG that any of the expansions were birthed from.

Sure the world is ‘bigger’, but everyone is in the same few zones. The games 15 years old, it just doesn’t have the same appeal. But, the players that started in 2004 and 2005, a lot of them, are not fond of the “dumbing down” of content and the game. Everyone has a preference on expack, or whatever. For myself, and I’m sure many others - Classic is the game we started playing and prefer over any of the versions.

Seeing the resurgence of life in the zones and interest on Twitch and Youtube - it’s awesome to see. Also - anecdotally saying everyone cried about the game getting harder at any point…that holds no weight.

It was literally all over the forums and in game chat. I welcomed the change. But many people disliked it.

You’re right about preferred expansion. MoP/Legion for me. I had the most fun, the most friends online. And imho the stories and content were at their best. I do think BFA is ultimately inferior to my legion experience. But I’m not saying the game is dead. It’s been like that for awhile. Rotating good and meh expansions. Starting with Wrath. Wrath Good. Cata Meh. MoP Good. WoD ehhhhh. Legion good. BFA Alright. So the next expansion should be pretty good.


I love the changes, makes it a good refresher because I don’t have to get bored over getting boatloads of XP for doing simple things

Battle for Azeroth has killed WoW… The story was not received well, the changes to gameplay made it more tedious, the expeditions and dungeons were monotonous. Overall it was just a bad expansion, if not the worst yet. My personal favorite expansions were Pandaria, just because it was so different and made the game new again, and Legion, for the great storytelling and depth. Yeah the class weapon thing was dumb, but overall it was an amazing expansion.

I thought you liked tedious? That is EXACTLY what classic is. Pure tedium.

You got a source there buddy?

I play both. plenty of people are still playing retail on my realm.


Why are we using Twitch as a measurement?


There is a lot that can be said about the state of retail, but dead is absolutely not one of them, and anyone saying it is just straight up lying in an attempt to push some pro-classic narrative, when these two games can co-exist just fine.

I haven’t enjoyed BfA at all. I stopped just before 8.2 dropped, and didn’t bother to resub, while I played TONS of Legion enough to exalt almost all the reps. It is what it is though. WoW is still the most popular MMO.

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You do realise those werent confirmed yeah? Speculation is not fact, if anyone is delusional its you

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Yeah its like a high school dance and the small group of losers are in the corner dancing with each other but the real party is out on the dance floor with all the cool kids…:partying_face:

I don’t know how people play that junk that is retail (I have to force myself to play), its just not fun and its not engaging at all…its a shell of what it once was and the only people left are the ones that still haven’t gotten the memo and holding out hope that Blizz will have a coming to Jesus moment…:rofl:

Classic is back! Tonight I played straight for 5 hours without taking a break, haven’t done that since LK…I’m level 8 and I had a freaking blast! Better time then I’ve had in many many years and it was just questing and running around enjoying the game and the people.

Retail won’t die, too much politics involved and the powers that be won’t let that happen, they have a steady stream of whales that will buy everything in the store and buy gold but the population is going to take a big hit and its only going to get worse as the phases go on and the excitement builds towards Naxx.

Totally read that an initially though you were talking about classic. You do know that classic is unbalanced garbage right? Nostalgia is cool and all but it’s objectively a bad game. If nostalgia wasn’t a thing and blizzard just now released WoW in classic form it would flop.

Wanted to hit level 10 tonight, and got burned out once I hit 8. I’ll try and hit tomorrow. But holy crap is it boring. The chat is fun though. Met some pretty cool people. :slight_smile:

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My guild tanks didn’t show up for raid tonight. I’m pretty sure they were playing Classic in offline mode.

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Sources?? Don’t throw numbers around you can’t confirm.

As far as Retail dead? I was in mech this evening was same old 68 players when I /who. Hardly dead.

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Exactly this. I had all that back in the day. Classic will only remind me of how much better retail is with QoL added over the years. Classic will be dead in 2-3 months, why there is high que times, they not going to add ton of servers only to have 75% of them dead in few months

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