Is ret boring?

Every hybrid with a healing tree is capable of off healing to an extent. Also please do list these “utility” that is considered good for raiding or pvp that makes them a must take? And no I won’t count m+.

Balance has constantly being worked on. I won’t ever forget resto druids being gods for several expansions back in the day.

Pretty much, blind hate is a thing.

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Congrats, enjoy your time in the sun. When Blizzard guts it into the garbage don’t blame me.

For Raid and PVP? Lets see, an Aura buff, a battle rez, a cleanse, Blessing of Sacrifice and Freedom.

Both of you can continue to be delusional. Don’t come crying to me when Paladin gets nerfed into the trash.

P.S. I’m not asking for Paladin to be nerfed, lets get that straight right now. You two seem to be getting super defensive because I threatened your little paladin bubble/safe space. When you see groups that are 2-3 Paladins or 2-3 Shaman for a M+ key, you know it’s not in a healthy place.

I’ve been playing paladin and this game since day one. Paladin now being very good have nothing to do with me playing the spec.

Why would anyone do that? :thinking:

Says the man who openly hates paladins.


Warriors when their MS and rapidly stacking dampening doesn’t turn Lay into a useless CD

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For my use case I love Ret. I’m a tank main so only dps occasionally. Being able to toss on a 2h and do moderately well is great for me.

No one is taking paladins for sacrifice. Sorry not sorry.

No one is taking paladins for this too. Why would they when another class can do group wide snare/root breaks.

Covered also by DKs, warlocks, druids, etc.

3% reduced damage is not that important, and can easily be covered by prot/holy on one slot in a raid. Not taken for pvp for it.

I think it’s the other way around bruh.


I think it’s good, but not quite great.

Hero talents are nice but herald is significantly underpowered.

We absolutely will purely for the fact you and people like you consistently nag and complain when ret paladin becomes viable. Nobody is holding spots in high keys and arena teams for ret paladins.


Basically yes. Ofcourse I usually stomp other rets into the ground specially in rss because a veteran has more knowledge but anyone picking a a ret paladin for the first time in any content is gonna have the easiest time getting into it at the base level.

Theres a huge difference between a spec being straightforward and dumbed down completely.

The fact that eveeything autocleaves, lots of things autoproc including our “big” offensive cd is just laughable.

There is no holy power economy, no need to worry for holes in your rotation, at miserable haste levels ret plays perfectly fine. And has even more haste built into the talent tree.

The fact that theres people arguing that more specs should be like ret is pure insanity.

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Present ret is fun. Past ret was not fun. Present ret is easy to learn but more difficult to get 100% perfect and mastered. If your complaining about it being too easy, spend more time trying to get it perfect.


define “perfect” cause its def not resource management. well until 11.1 anyways if new divine hammer is tuned good

Looks like they are removing the builder cool-down reducing component to it. I dunno if it is gonna make it more desirable being it is basically going to be a direct copy of breath of sindagrosa but with a different area tyat it effects.

its based on spenders now, which was a heavily given feedback to avoid generator spam friction. we just have to see if its strong enough to hold up

even then its not like breath cause it has a hard cap so it ends up being a somewhat decent cd design.

Breath has a hard cap also now.

Thats garbo.
Now its literally like every other class. A few whiners about generators and now we are dk 2.0.

Mate, divine hammer was literally unusable as it was. There are abilities that some people don’t like and others do, but hammer was literally dysfunctional.

It’s a good change.

Originality is worthless if it’s not good, doesn’t play well.

It should also give ret some extra somewhat sustained, probably slightly burst oriented aoe.

do you even knoiw what specific ability we’re talking about ?

its a burst ability, its going to give ret more burst and more resource management skill ceiling.

Im not quite sure about burst, since you extend it with spenders, i think it’s gonna be moderately burst oriented, but not like crazy burst, still, it is a good change.

i guess whether it’s super aoe burst or just moderate aoe burst depends on how it’s tuned, and how long you can extend it for.

ya it really depends on how its tuned tbh, the thing is with the extension i dont think we’re going to be able to extend it to ridic levels. probablys 20 seconds if your reallly good at ret