Is ranked pvp no longer casual friendly?

what’s causing everyone to quit?

I just recently got into Arena hard this season, and it is very difficult for newcomers to get into in my opinion.

While the gearing process is easy enough from the start of the season but unless you are knowledgeable or have a player who carrys you a bit gearing can be frustrating as hell mid/late season.

All the players I interact with are insanely good even at low rating.

I have an ALT that is low rating and im getting CC chained, crazy plays, players instant killing shaman totems.

Im not sure if it’s addons playing the game for players these days but it’s very hard to get comfortable.

I’ve been reallly enjoying rated BGs as my MM hunter though, but Arenas have been a mixed bag.


depends what your goals are really

I’d compare what is often 1900-2k today (in a season with more typical MMR) to what used to be 2400-2500 in mop/wod (open to other opinions though) because of just how accessible information from high rated players is as well as how long people have been building mechanical comfort and refining their play. this definitely makes it more difficult to get into the game with serious goals as a fresh player since longtime players have an enormous head start

if you’re just playing to play, the game is about as easy to get into as it ever has been with the speed of gearing and all the online resources to help you figure out how to optimize your character


Arena is full of bots. Plenty of them in rbgb too but they are easier to deal with in group situations. It’s 25 bucks for a bot to guarantee rating increase and there’s only about 20k active pvp players according to some data where you figure alts in…one of these botting sites alone claims to have over 10k customers. Do the math.

Let arena bots play each other…stick to the rbgs where you can actively enjoy not being farmed into the ground.

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brother if you are losing to bots, I fear that you may be the true bot


No, I think arena is very casual friendly. You just have to find people willing to queue with you until you land into your appropriate rating bracket.

The difficulty of finding people to queue with, along with the addition of bgb as well as shuffle has probably caused the decline arena activity.

:unamused: :unamused: :face_with_head_bandage:
so much gosh darn copium up in this place

Dozer why do u make threads about stuff you already know the answer to? Loneliness?


That’s his bit.


Who in the eff is Dozer?

Just some below-average Warrior who used to play a long time ago.


You, the guy who rejected my friend request in a random bg because “I was going to make a thread on the forums about you”

:face_with_peeking_eye: :face_with_peeking_eye: :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:
well thats un4ch. do you strum on twitch i can give you a twitchyyy p

So…not casual friendly at all

Speaking from a casual player’s perspective: It’s simple, really. There’s nowhere left to go for the actual casual players (like me) who just want to log in and play some chill PVP. There is no chill PVP in WoW anymore. That’s the problem.

SS and Blitz could have been the saving grace, but, IMO, they royally F’d that up by making it Rated. All they had to do was make SS and Blitz award good Honor/Conquest and people would have lived in both of those modes, but no - they had to cater to the whiny, overly-entitled 15hundos who needed a space to get their undeserved participation trophies and inflated egos.

Just so we’re were clear: These players - lifetime 15hundos that saw their first big scores in RSS/RBGBs - aren’t casual. They’re bad. There’s a difference. We’re not catering to casuals. We’re catering to bads - and that’s killing PVP, IMO.

I’m a casual player. Put it this way: Most of the players on this forum put in more games every single season than I have ever done over the course of many years. That’s what a casual player looks like. I don’t care if there are rewards I can’t get, nor do I go around expecting participation trophies.

Some will say, “Well, what about random BGs? You don’t have to play RBGBs (or anything Rated, for that matter).” The thing is Blitz addressed a big problem plaguing random BGs - namely Premades. This right here is one of the things that made the Blitz Brawl so much fun. Blitz Brawl is what Blitz should have been - with perhaps a buff to Honor/Conquest gains. Random BGs without the bloody Premades.

I also remember queueing way more Blitz Brawls. People wanted to play with me. I mean, it didn’t matter because it wasn’t Rated. Now that it’s Rated, my Bnet is silent. It’s become a sweat-fest. People are too concerned about maintaining their position on a pointless ladder to bother playing with their casual friend. Blizzard took that mode away from the casuals, too - and then people wonder why we’re disappearing.

Blitz was the final straw for a lot of casual players - many of which have already left. While you might think that it’s “Doing great,” I can assure you that this is an illusion. It’s the honeymoon period. It’s the first season of Blitz. It’ll pop off for sure, no matter how terrible it is because it’s new. The same thing happened with RSS, but people are quick to forget it seems. Once the novelty wore off and people realized just how terrible it was, it almost died. Why do you think they’re needing to inflate MMR? It’s because people have been leaving in the droves. It’s difficult to see it this season, but it’ll become apparent next season when RBGB participation also drops off noticeably.

2s/3s and RBGs has never really been “Casual friendly,” but - in truth - that hardly matters. It doesn’t have to be “Casual friendly.” Not every game mode has to be “Casual friendly.” That’d be like arguing that casual players - who barely play the game, as it is - should be able to do Mythic Raids. The only thing casuals (like me) ever cared about concerning PVP was being on a relatively equal footing, gear-wise. That’s it. It’s the bads that think they should be rewarded for clicking the queue button. It’s the bads that made up the lower brackets in 2s/3s and RBGs that have gravitated to RSS and RBGBs - and they did it because it went Rated. It’s the path of least resistance to rewards that they didn’t properly earn. It’s the bads that have made the casual player experience dog water. Again: note the difference between casuals and bads. They are not the same.

RSS and RBGBs have become toxic cesspits full of entitled sub-par players. Every game is a sweat-fest. It’s not fun for casual players (like me), who just want a chill mode to play. Rated modes, being competitive, are rarely chill - and they’re definitely not chill when they’re fully of whiny trash-cans who think they’re elite gamers because they got their first 18hundo in RSS DF S1. So what are casual players left with? They can play random BGs and get farmed by Premades, or they can play RBGBs and get screamed at by basement dwellers who haven’t bought a bar of soap in 3 months.

The Devs need to stop catering to the bads. They did not need easier Rated game modes. We already had 2s/3s and RBGs. You put in effort, you get rewards. That’s how it was, and that’s how it should be. If you can’t be arsed to form a team, then you shouldn’t be getting prestigious rewards. It’s not complicated. Flip it around: Mythic Raid Solo Queue when? Does that sound like a stupid idea? Yeah - because it is. SS and Blitz never should have went Rated.

(Note: I’m well aware of the fact that the problems affecting PVP are many and varied. This here is just one of them, and I by no means intend to claim that this is the only problem, or even that it is the most significant problem.)

Perhaps I’m just ranting a little. My apologies, but I must admit that I really do dislike the fact that SS and Blitz ever went Rated. Rated doesn’t need to be “Easier,” or more “Casual friendly” - and I think all attempts to make it so have been disastrous.


Ranked pvp was never casual friendly. “Chill 2s” is a psyop and was never real

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It is actually the opposite. At this point the bloody coin cap is so high you are able to buy essentially the entire set. I was able to farm my bloody coin cap while leveling and immediately had enough pvp gear to queue. With the crafting quest you can craft rings and neck to fill every slot except weapon and trink which would need to be your only honor purchases to start out.

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You are so wrong

BM hunter and my globals not registering.

Wdym,2s is way slower and way easier to think through,i used to love playing 2s back in SL now is just a dead bracket