Is R1 actually achievable by anyone?

OK that make sense. I’ve always thought in general you want to hold on your Def cd as long as you can without being too greedy.

I guess it’s more about pressing at the right time to not put you and your team in trouble.

Using defensive CDs just depends on the scenario

Sometimes you can hold them if they’re a true immunity, but CDs you can die through like damage reductions you don’t want to hold onto too late

And from playing enough you and your team should know how much damage is available so you know when you’d need to use it and when to greed it really

Can’t play the game all the time and just doing 10 min a day of a bunch of different mental exercises will go a long way for your mind’s health.

Where did I indicate that at all?
I have seen plenty of people (mostly my pve friends) whose reaction times even in raid are pretty bad. So I just said work on that some and their performance increased in both pvp and even pve.

Then why bother to say video gamesWoW is more mental? When literally everything is mostly mental.

I said WoW is mostly mental and very little mechanical skill or reaction time which I elaborated why I mentioned it, because what you said came across as a common misconception

There I edited for you because the point is still the same.

That’s a matter of opinion which goes back to my point of (see blow). Because it does require reaction times regardless how little or how much and everyone is different.

i can’t believe creepio bumped this thread after 2 weeks just to draw attention onto the clip where he wastes half of a stolen sheep and grips a shadowmend instead of the sheep that then forces trinket amz and trinket cocoon. wild


You have to play the game, A LOT. Your casual player just wont have enough games put in to have all the skills and knowledge of a player who puts in 1500-2000 games a season and literally has no life.

Yeah when you say things like that you just sound like a bitter old man lol

Plenty of people manage their real life and playing WoW that are top level


Yes they play the game as a job on youtube or after work play it all night. You dont get in 2000+ games by having many responsibilities there isnt enough time in the day

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You definitely can especially in really long seasons lol, you can get a good amount of games in per hour really easily

I’ve had semesters where I’m working and taking 6 classes while managing my personal life and still very easily manage to get a bunch of games

You can really easily manage your time and play on weekends and get in a good amount of games in a few hours while not neglecting anything else

gotta sleep, gotta eat, gotta pay rent. i’d be surprised to see anyone with a full time real job and kids being able to spend large chunks of time on this game every single week, though. if you already got good and then these things came along, sure. vanguards will be getting rank 1 as a 65 year old grandfather, i have no doubt. but learning the game from ground level with those kind of time constraints? X doubt

the unfortunate reality of having to work 70hrs a week isn’t really “having a life” tho. there are people who work so much/so hard that leisure time is too scarce for learning a competitive and VICIOUSLY unintuitive game like wow pvp. to say nothing of how much worse a use of precious free time it is to beat your head on the wall of competitive esports instead of just playing games that are intended to be fun first


Idk Aveng got his first R1 while he already had fulltime jobs and whatnot

I mean it’s definitely harder of course but it’s not like it’s impossible to do imo

But yeah if you’re doing a bunch of other things irl then there’s no reason to care about games or to comment about not being able to put your time in lol


So saying “anyone can do it” is more like “if you can commit the time to it you can do it”

I habe a fsmily and job and play maybe 1-2 hours a night or every 2 nights. I play lfg because i cant hold down a team on those play times. I enjoy wow and its part of my life but i cant put in enough games and have ppl stick around.

So no, not everyone and anyone can do it

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That’s about the same amount I play each night, I don’t even que a bunch of games most weeks honestly and I still have a bunch of games

But if you have all of those things anyways why do you care about wow rofl, no reason to be upset then, the amount of bitterness you have towards people that can still manage to put in that time makes you come across like you’re ungrateful for having a family or something lol

Like if those are more important then no reason to complain

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My arena partners are always rank one in my heart.


You realise how little sense this makes? “I dont have time but i have tonns of time”

And a bunch to you is probably totally different to me. You probably think 1000 games isnt much

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money talks friend.

ive seen rank 1 mages in battlegrounds that didnt know what time warp is.

rank 1 mages that do less damage than healers. (not base sitting)

either its really easy for mages to get rank 1 or theres lots of mages buying rank 1 accounts

No, I’ve qued 10 3v3 games this week lol

That’s very little

And I might que 10 more tonight

Even went a month and a half without doing arena after the last cups ended

because if they arena can’t use timewarp so it’s a wasted keybind.

Bet you didnt do that to get your rank 1 rating which is what this convo is all about. Qing 10 games a week wont cut it

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