Is R1 actually achievable by anyone?

that’s rich :slight_smile:

There’s big gaps between top end multi R1 players and people who usually just consistently scrape a R1 near the end of a season

I think anyone though can improve with WoW realistically, there isn’t that much intense mechanical skill, it’s a game based on decision making an game knowledge for the majority of classes and comps. Even if you’re playing a class that has high mechanical playmaking ability it can be more valuable to just focus on improving game knowledge and your decision making because those can let you make the right plays anyways

I think for a lot of random glad teams all it takes like others said to just get a bottom end R1 is playing a really good comp and having optimal ques

But also if you’re just a player that really is motivated on improving, you can stand out hardcore and people will want to play with you anyways even if you don’t have any previous season titles

There’s also bonus points for being a pleasant person to play with, some people can be super toxic as a team mate and still will have people play with them but that’s more of an exception and a lot of people will just think it’s a good excuse to be a miserable team mate tbh

But ya overall I do think especially if someone has achieved glad if they put in time R1 is definitely doable. There’s always up and comers as well, people just don’t realize it as much imo. Personally I like playing with people that are really hungry and trying super hard to win so it can be refreshing to play with newer players because it can kind of bring that spark of motivation back, so stuff like this motivated more consistent R1s to want to give a chance.


When u said toxic players that people still want to q with I instantly thought of magnus. Every time I go to his stream he’s being a negative Nancy and Sh?t talking like I’ve never seen before.

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Well being toxic to other people generally isn’t frowned upon as much as it is towards your own team mates

If you actually just rage at your own team mates you’re way more annoying to play with

Definitely feels like a huge uphill battle when you’re not part of the old boys club. Hard to break through the glass ceiling.

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Idk if that’s really true, even this xpac I’ve seen new players join like every group of players at a top end level, just have to stand out and be really good and people will notice

Welp…feelsbad then lol. Guess I should accept reality and manage my expectations/goals better lol.

Just have to grind hard and people will notice it tbh, that’s all that matters

The ones that get noticed the most are the ones that are effectively carrying two weaker players too but still have their team performing really well

Shots fired at metaphors, poor sap can’t find queues since everyone ditched him becuz of toxic behavior

Dudes btag list gets shorter every week :rofl:

sell ur soul if u want r1…

Wasn’t actually thinking of him tbh

Something that can help is doing reaction building exercises and information processing exercises, both these things can go a long way.

I personally think reaction times and things like that are the most over rated things in WoW, reacting quickly just comes down to your knowledge of the situation and expecting it to happen, it’s honestly just luck most of the time that you react to a bunch of things if you weren’t aware of what was going to happen

Even fighting game players I’ve heard the same thing, only fps games reaction times can make a difference I guess but honestly just practicing the game more and having a stronger understanding goes way farther


And this is were you don’t understand the concept of reaction building. You are thinking the literal react as soon as you can.

As well as you use your own personal as a baseline and judge it in comparison to everyone else expecting everyone to be at the same. (And I mean for everything)

There is a reason I also said information processing along with it, but to process data you have to go against your “data base” which then comes from knowledge and experience, but I wasn’t going to repeat that as everyone else in this thread mentioned it.

Nah I am really confident most good players don’t actually have insane reaction times, they barely matter

It’s all just muscle memory and dealing with the same situations hundreds/thousands of times

You’d be really surprised at stuff you think is reacting quickly from people that actually have really slow reaction times, the only thing that’ll help you in this regard is just experience in the game and nothing external

I don’t think any competitive player in any game would disagree either, reaction time is something people see and think matters but actually doesn’t.

Trying to train anything outside of WoW isn’t going to really help anyone, because the game is way more about mental. Things will naturally slow down if you’ve seen it happen a bunch, which is the only “information processing” you’d improve.


This is where I know you don’t know understand what I am saying.
Never once said reaction is be all end all.

Weird and I mentioned only mental exercises. This is how I know you are barely even reading what I am typing or not understanding (which can be on me for not bothering with typing as I been extremely lazy about the forums)

As someone whose been a Combat Instructor I am going to let you in on a secret, most things in the real world are 10% physical 90% mental.
Yes video games naturally are probably more way mental than even 90%, but there is still physical. However I wasn’t talking about physical specifically.

Ever done the exercise in school were you see a picture for a limited time and then get asked a bunch of questions about said picture?

Predicting what someone is going to do isn’t information processing, it’s application of experience.

Most of the time when I watch streams people can often do stuff like pre wall a go for example, Imo you have to be super reactive. What do you think?

I mean you posted talking about reaction building and information processing, those just seem useless compared to playing the game and it’s not an uncommon thing for me to see people think that reaction times are important in PvP which is what it seems like

But either way I think anything outside of just playing the game a lot and understanding how to learn is pointless outside of just taking care of your mental state

Not a secret, but it’s not uncommon for people to think video games are about some crazy adrenaline fueled reaction times

That’s not reactive, it’s proactive

When you prewall a go it’s because you understand the state of the game. You’ve played so many arenas that you understand exactly when the enemy wants to set up and can set up, and then because of this you’re just pressing your CD because you know they’re going to go at that time.

You’re not going “OMG THEY MIGHT HIT ME PREWALL” your thought process is just thinking “ok they’re about to set up, should happen soon, I’m kiting slightly to delay the cc on me for just a second, and just holding your finger on the wall key”

It’s all pre-emptive processing. When I play a game I know like 10 seconds in advance when someone wants to setup. Most people do. That’s why the reaction time doesn’t matter because you’ve prepared for it way in the future.

Like I’ve had plenty of times I pre turtle a rogue mage go, and yet I have very poor natural reaction times. I just am aware of what will happen/what’s going to happen, I might try to kite slightly out of step kidney range while I know I can’t stop cc on my healer then just let the rogue get in range while he’s spamming step kidney but just press turtle. I’m basically just predicting what’s going to happen and that’s what most people are doing

Plus WoW global CDs and such make this kinda thing super straightforward with enough experience

Well tbh I do it myself like pre port a go or pre fade à kidney but I have to be aware about everything cause if I’m distracted by whatever reasons i can’t do it.

I mean it’s more like I can ‘’ feel’’ it coming but at the same time if you turtle but people don’ t go on you then you have wasted your cooldown.

Not a waste when you set it up that way

Like I said, let’s say I have no trinket but I have turtle still

I can’t kite the rogue forever, but I can slightly delay the kidney on me, and I’ll pre run while I let my healer get CC’d

Then I can just sit still for a sec (let rogue get in step range) and hit turtle same second I stop moving

Even if he doesn’t kidney me, I’d want to turtle anyways when my healer is in CC so it’s not really being wasted

Same thing with walling, you can’t stop the go from happening, you know our healer is getting CC’d so you shove a CD

It’s more of your team communicating and knowing when the enemy team can set up and when you know there’s no way to stop CCs you just use something. Priests Pre-Dome all the time the same way, if your teammates have kicks down and you don’t have premonition, you know the enemy is going to CC you. So then you just let yourself get CC’d and press dome wasting their DR.