I’m wanting to see if there is a problem with my character.
I was fishing up the rares for Secret Fish of Mechagon and had all but three. Then I got one of those, turned it in, and went to get one of the two I was missing. Several minutes later I was disconnected. When I got back on I asked if anyone else got DCd and I got a ton of “yes” and “yep”.
Furthermore, neither myself nor anyone else was where they were when DCd, we were back where we were 5-10ish minutes before that. Some said their jetpacks wouldn’t work now, some said they had quests missing from their quest log, some said they had completed a quest but not turned it in yet and now it was showing as not completed, some said quest items they’d picked up had vanished from their bag.
I took a look at my character and noticed that rare fish I’d caught and turned in minutes earlier was showing as not caught in the list. Um, ok? So fine I’ll catch it again. Now here’s the problem. Nine hours later and I still haven’t caught it again. That seems wrong and quite frankly I’m seriously pissed at having to waste this kind of time since I had that stupid fish to begin with.
What appears to have happened is a roll-back, nothing else explains all of this. But my question is did it bug my toon so even though the fish now shows as not caught the game thinks I did catch it so that’s why after nine hours I still haven’t caught it again?
Toon: Akujack
Server: Turalyon
Time: approx 2:20pm central
Fish in question: Bolted Steelhead