Is MCING A Player Off A High Place During A Duel Considered Griefing?

No, it’s a duel.

In a game of pvp. World of WARcraft. Please. Get over yourself.

This is never my goal. My goal is to point out the softy players that are all about hugs and rainbows talking all this inclusion crap and yelling a whole lot when they don’t get the instant gratification they want. I’m not going to coddle the babies that were dumb enough to duel a priest in HC and say its griefing. When it’s not. This is a game about combat. Npcs vs players and players vs players.

Which I have yet to hear one instance of action taken on this. Which is good. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.

On a server that’s explicitly stated as a PvE server… take your own medicine.

Yeah! You tell it like it is! You’re a tough guy! You show everyone how tough you are by playing an online video game! Yeah!

Again, take your own medicine and get over yourself. This is a video game. The only difference here is that the stakes are raised a bit as death is permanent. So when you intentionally go out of your way to ruin someone else’s experience (let’s not pretend like you’re getting any actual in game benefit from doing this) the stakes of punishment should also be raised.

Again, I said it above. I doubt anything will change and I doubt anyone will be punished. Ever. The OP asked a question and I gave my opinion. I also find it hilarious that you ended with that saying, as it perfectly embodies the sentiment behind the OPs question.

Alrighty, I’ll let you get back to acting like any of this actually matters. You go be the toughest MMORPG player out there! snort


Found an incel! Bet he listens to Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson and Andrew Tate while crying about how no woman will ever touch him.

He’s paying $49.99 a month for that app.


Its funny how the softies go to this response everytime. Lol

And the easy solution is don’t duel a priest. Why is that so harf to understand?

This is good.

Will do! Adios!

Lmao. Married, power engineer and a far cry from incel here. But hey! If thinking i am makes you feel better about your situation, more power to ya!

Quality upstanding gentlemen.

Meh, not sure how i feel about this guy.

See first response. =]

So two incel heroes are “Quality upstanding Gentlemen” and a guy in jail on rape charges is just on the fence.

At least you, maybe, kinda sorta have some limits on the types of incel garbo you follow.


This literally makes no sense.
Joe Rogan- gets more than a toilet seat

Jordan Peterson- doctor of psychology and married family man with multiple children.

Ahh, it all makes sense now. I know your type. Can’t use automotive drivetrain slang with you. Lol. Hey, if calling me an incel, or anyone for that mattter, makes you sleep at night when dealing with your life choices, i encourage you to continue to do so.

Did he get "me too"ed?

no, he really is just a scum bag :expressionless:

Elaborate then.genuinely dont know enough about the guy. Tbh

you’d like that wouldn’t you :expressionless:

I mean, if the person is sitting on this high ground and intentionally waiting for people to come by so they can duel and MC them off the edge, that is greifing.

You do know that you have to accept a duel, correct?

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ok same with a scammer who calls you and you send them your bank information…you have to send them the money right, but whose in the wrong?

Ban them? idk, not my game and I don’t make the rules. But I shall frown down upon it because I have common sense and know what someone’s intentions are.

The persons intention isn’t to win the duel. It’s to kill someone.

I’ve already stated that if its a genuine duel, while a scummy thing to do, is perfectly acceptable. My issue here is the video of the group member and guildie, who specifically asked a group member if they could try out a macro, and then proceeded to mc them off the cliff, not acceptable and is 100% a grief. You know that an agreed upon duel vs what that priest did, are two completely different things. You can do all the mental gymnastics you want, it doesn’t make you correct.

Side note, Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson are great. The people that call them far right need to turn off the news, put down their 10th booster, take off the smelly cloth mask they’ve been clinging to like a warm blanket for the past 3 years, and actually look at their content as a whole.

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People like you terrify me.

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sorry if my intelligence intimidates you
