Is MCING A Player Off A High Place During A Duel Considered Griefing?

I’ll fix it.

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Same with CNN and Fox News. Whats your point?

I employ straight forward logic. I simply have no heart strings to be pulled for “casuals”.

To be clear, i refer to casuals as players that refuse to learn their class and integral interactions within the game such as a priest being able to MC.

Understanding the opponent you face, is a key factor when clicking accept before dying to MC.

No, this again is simply a lack of game knowledge. Thats a issyou, not an issme.

I get totalitarian vibes from you. Yikes. Cry about it instead?

Yeah man you are 100% the type of person he’s referring too. You’ve got no time for “casuals”…look out bro, you might cut some people with all that edge.

If he was duelling a random up there, while it’s a dog move, it would be a too bad so sad. However, when a guildie and group member tells you they want to try something out, and then proceed to kill you, they intentionally misled you for the sole purpose of a grief, they deserve a full permanent ban. Zero sympathy for these no life basement dwelling trolls who get pleasure out of other peoples suffering.

So… here’s another 2 cents into the fire…

We duel, I MC you. I jump you onto a lethal fall which is still within range of the duel flag. By mechanics, you should not die but be reduced to 1hp.

After duel is over, you’re alive but vulnerable. If you die, you die.

Now let’s say you leave the duel area, duel ends, MC ends, you land and die. This is what is likely happening or should be mechanically happening. You still very likely die but you have a slim chance to spam your way to being alive.

So MCing someone off a cliff either shouldn’t kill them, but leave them on 1hp… or skill issue because you don’t have fall protection.

Doubly bad if you’re Horde because of TB UC and 1K Needles.

In short, if the duel is legit you should survive it. If you’re not ready for a fall, don’t duel priests in Hardcore.


every grief you can think of can be countered by “well don’t do that, be smarter” etc. doesn’t mean the grief isn’t a grief :expressionless:

i doubt this is true, you probably just die regardless. the duel death protection doesn’t account for fall damage :expressionless:

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No “edge”, just honesty.

End of the day, you chose to accept the duel. Period.

Hmm, someone once said something about an edge and cuts or something. Sounds like a disgruntled player with a massive skill issue.

Or we can just stop being softies. Thats also a solution. Hugs and rainbows only go so far.

The fact that you think lying to a party member to intentionally grief them is a “skill” issue, tells me more about you than anything else…

Is it a Mak’gora? No purely fair

A casual duel? 100% Terrible

No, it’s considered funny.


I always win

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Was i supposed to care? I was unaware. Understand the game, understand the possible outcomes of interactions, and you will be just fine lil baby. Relax.

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I would consider it griefing. Yes. Funny? Also yes. But still griefing.

Depends on the culture they want to foster. A ‘buyer beware’ culture or a ‘have fun on your own terms’ culture. Personally I prefer the latter. If your only enjoyment in this game is in fostering the former, I’d rather you left over those who also want the latter.

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It’s like, Imagine telling people they weren’t scammed, they allowed themselves to get scammed, thereby making it not a scam.

It’s like bruh, why are you defending scammers?

(In general, not you)

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Sorry buddy, I didn’t realize I was discussing this with a 12 year old. My bad.

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Cmon, you can do better than that! That was the laziest, most overused comeback you voukd have chosen… oh well. I don’t care anyway.

Is the purpose of hardcore not to emphasize the dangers of the game whrn granted only 1 life?

Depth of field.

If they have issues with DEPTH OF FIELD, playing WoW is already going to be near impossible as the 3D element of the game would not come across like it does for people without such issues.

Yes, that danger being the game itself. Not other players, except in the case of the purpose built duel to the death system put in place. They flat out stated this in their opening statement regarding hardcore.

Either way we both know this forum conversation isn’t going to change anyone’s mind. Those who will bend or break the rules to ruin someone else’s fun don’t care what I or anyone else thinks. They’ll keep doing it anyway. The OP asked a question and I gave my opinion. If you get actioned for MCing someone to their death, I’ll have zero qualms about it.