Is MCING A Player Off A High Place During A Duel Considered Griefing?

It’s genius.

You know what Tumble. I like you.

Or don’t thats fine too.

You cannot MC during duel unless you are opposing faction and they have their PvP flagged on…in which case anything goes. I can get on my max level rogue and stab someone in the back if they are PvP flagged right after a duel and at 1h if I wanted.

As PvP goes, any way you kill them is allowed just as long as no exploits were involved.

And that was the answer for if you are not the dueler but are outside interfering. But as you implied it, if you are the one who is doing the duel and they died because of that… their fault. Be aware of your surroundings when you duel.

They added duel to the death so I highly doubt they are going to care that you kill someone by doing that in a duel.

Here’s the clip.

Oh in that case…lol sucks to be that guy but…anything goes.

My pally got killed in HC cuz a group of people I was playing with, we went afk, a guy left the group, pulled a bunch of mobs to us, then bubbled his own pally and we all died.

Know what we all did? We logged off and remade our toons. Any death for ANY reason is…your own fault according to Blizzard. Even if done by another player.

It is your fault if you die. Be careful who you group with, be careful who you duel with, be careful who you try to help in any way in Classc HC. Someone wanted the name of my mage so they pulled mobs to me, I died and they took the mages name when I deleted to make again. Simple as that.

Be. More. Careful.

Did the pally die as well? And how did you get agro on the mobs if you were afk?

He got down to 1 hp, but ge made it.


“This is not a PvP realm, and the normal PvP realm rules do not in any way apply to this realm. Outside of a normal Duel to the Death, consensual PvP flagging, or Wargames killing other players isn’t the core goal of Hardcore gameplay. If players are found to make it their goal to take part in this kind of disruptive style of play, we reserve the right to take immediate and decisive action against anyone found to be deliberately causing this disruption to other players on these realms, including permanent account closure.”

That is from

Scroll down to Play nice Play fair section.

Educate yourself before arguing.

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Yea it was my pally. She died. I did. The person ran by me. My friend who was there started attacking while I was afk. Truth be told. 100% my fault we died. I always try to type /afk before I go afk and sit down in a safe space. This time I didnt do that. I didnt even tell my friend I was afk. He probably thought I was just sitting there.

The guy who left the group though. We kinda think he did it on purpose. I did not see it happen so cannot say for certain. But him leaving group then the me and my friend dying shortly after while he survived kinda points that it may have been intentional.

He had a pally, I had mine. Already remade the toon. Same name and look and everything. Almost caught up to the level I was before death. I learned from that… be careful who you group and play with in HC.

THAT is how I now know to tell other players about that. Because it happened to me.

Whether done on purpose or on accident, people out there will get you killed in HC. And it is up to you as a player to ensure that that does not happen. I’m his personal healer in HC. I follow him everywhere and heal him.

The guy who pulled… didnt die when that happened.

Well then in that case, the gut should be reported. In my case. I dont know if it was on purpose or not. Still MY fault as I did not tell my friend I was afk. Be very unethical to try and report a player and possibly get him banned when all I had to do was say I was afk and actually go to safe place that wasn’t in the middle of a field. As for Duels to the Death. I have yet to find a single player to accept even a single one. Not even as I am level 1 and they are too.

Finding people to do them is seeming to be more difficult than actually doing them.

you missed the part where Blizz is taking greifing seriously?

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That’s adorable.

no, it’s not “anything goes” in a normal duel like that
it’s a grief :expressionless:

lmao, youre my Number #1 fan huh? you want my attention? so cute<3

They’re assuming what Blizzard is doing, I’m saying what Blizzard said they’re doing.

Youre a little slow one arent you ^-^ you can not keep up with the topic at hand with anything lmfaooo

I didn’t know when you joined a duel you were told, ‘Nope, can’t use that ability!’

it’s more like “you can’t knowingly exploit an ability in order to get around the death protection of normal duels” :expressionless:

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I think trying to actually kill an HC character in a dual outside of a makora is a skummy lowlife thing to do. I also think it should be reportable (and it is thankfully) , because the concept of HC isn’t the same as a standard realm and the stakes are higher.

I think that if a character is reported for griefing, and found guilty, the character that they killed should get a rez. If its their first offence, they lose their character that they did the grief on and also get a 7 day total battlenet suspension. If they are found guilty a second time, a complete and full indefinite suspension of their entire battlenet account. So not just wow HC, but all versions of wow, Diablo, Overwatch, Call of duty, every game.

There is really no place in any game for people who’s sole purpose of playing is to try to ruin other peoples time.

Absolutely not.

Don’t want to chance dying in a duel? Don’t duel.

You die, you die.


No, because it is clearly stated in the rules that the point of a dual is not a dual to the death. If it’s a makora, then anything goes, but if some person figures out a way to kill other players in a standard dual and they exploit that, they are griefing and deserve what they get.

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