Is MCING A Player Off A High Place During A Duel Considered Griefing?

Someones soft…

Just don’t duel

Blizzard seems to agree with me.

I wouldn’t do it in a regular duel, but in a mak’gora anything goes and if you’re seriously dumb enough to fight a priest in a high place like that then you would deserve that death.

Its more like you handed the keys to an individual with a death wish. Not quite an accurate analysis on your part. Don’t duel a priest if you don’t want to die.


No it’s considered hilarious.


Not griefing as far as I am concerned. Had I been the priest doing it, I would have assumed the damage from the fall would have been limited just short of actual death . . . like all damage done during the course of a duel.

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The thing is though, if it were a duel to the death, sure.

But if it was a normal duel, that’s malicious intent in an otherwise friendly match.

It’s like if you wanted a friendly race with somebody, let’s assume a car race, right? Should just be get to the finish line first and whoever wins wins no harm no foul.

But you challenged them to that race with full intention to make them crash. If the other person accepted going into it thinking it’d be just a nice friendly race yeah you’re kind of a d-bag, and griefing in this situation with WoW.

Man you can’t just come in here and lay down that real pvp talk


People keep saying “friendly” and I don’t know why.

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Normal duels don’t typically kill a person.

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I’m assuming this question is in regards to the priest that asked their party member if they could test a macro while waiting for the elevator, and then proceeded to jump them to their death.

100% grief, permanent account suspension. As asmon said, blizzard has fostered a community full of mentally ill man children and this is the type of behaviour that people think is okay.


That doesn’t make them friendly.

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Consider any duel a duel to the death. What happens if a mob walks up and smacks you at 1 health. Irrelevant.

You agreed to it.

Apples to oranges. Combat changes the foundations of this argument.

They had the option to refuse the race. Think outside the box, don’t be naive. HC is similar to life in that regard. Watch your surroundings, be aware of the environment around you, and think outside the box. Hope for the best but expect the worst.

People still talk about this guy? He literally looks like what stale morning breath smells like. Sheesh.


Typically suggests the potential for death to occur. Moot point.

You people act like “prove intent” is some sort of unattainable gotcha. First off Blizzard can do whatever they want here, so they do not need to prove anything, just decide something was intentional. Secondly, while more difficult, intent is shown at a high enough standard for legal conviction regularly… You don’t have to read the mind of the accused and determine their actual intent whatever it may be.

Right? This would be akin to calling a mage’s fireball griefing. And in the case of the mage, they even SPAM it!

His videos still get hundreds of thousands of views and his live streams pull in 10s of thousands of views at the same time. Jealousy is not a good look my friend.

Reading your replies, you are the type of person he is referring too. You’ve made up your mind and are doing mental gymnastics to justify what is extremely toxic behaviour that has no place in wow. Typical duals, not makora, are not intended to be fights to the death, you and I and everyone else knows that. Having a guildie and party member intentionally mislead you so they can kill you is malicious intent and deserves a 100% permanent ban feom not only classic hc, but retail and every version in between.

Name calling is inappropriate.

Please, let us keep the forums civil.

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