Is MCING A Player Off A High Place During A Duel Considered Griefing?

This is like saying “I trained the 7 mobs onto the other player because we were competing for a herb node but only intended for them to get the player to half health as they ran”. It’s griefing.

Putting a cliff next to a pvp event and a priest… That is like dangling candy if front of a kid or a steak in front of a dog. It is going to happen, and the priest not only knew it but hoped he would get the chance too.


It’s literally nothing like that at all? Cool story tho?

Ok… but the element there that is griefing isn’t MCing someone off a cliff. It’s tricking someone into a duel under the guise of asking for help. So it’s not really relevant to the OP’s question which was MCing during a mutual duel.

It’s exactly like that. Using the environment to damage a player is griefing. Don’t use fall damage in a duel, fall damage can kill someone. That would be griefing. This is extremely straightforward.


Thanks for the laugh, here’s your :mirror:

It seems like a fairly easy and shut case of griefing and abuse of game mechanics. Killing a player in a regular duel, not a duel to the death, is blatant abuse and circumvention of game mechanics. Regular duels do not allow you to kill other players by design. Some of you defend the strangest things. I’m sure some of you would think Mind Controlling people out of battlegrounds through the portal was OK, too? I remember people being suspended/banned for it. . . :eyes:

I’m wanting to say I remember being people who would abuse Mind Control, in duels, to kill the friendly/neutral player with environmental damage (falling, drowning, fatigue) would usually end up suspended for a duration of time due to the equipment damage from killing the character you wouldn’t be able to kill under normal circumstances. The stakes are a lot higher now… I cannot see how it wouldn’t be an exploit. :thinking: :man_shrugging:t2:

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worst argument ever to cover for an incomplete or bad design.

What? Did anyone, in seriousness, ever claim vanilla (and thus Classic Hardcore) was perfect? There were many bugs and designs/ideas that weren’t completed. It’s not a cover - it’s a fact of reality…

No one claimed that, but the risks involved with getting into a duel with a priest are very well known… Its straight up not an exploit to open up your kit and win.


Def griefing in a regular duel. Not griefing in a mak gora.


I don’t consider this griefing, I’d consider this hilarious.

Edit to add I just realized this is a hardcore forum post. Yes I’d consider that griefing if the player dies because you don’t normally die in a duel. But its also stupid of the other player to accept a duel from a priest next to a cliff, knowing they have MC…


He didn’t kill the player.

Gravity killed the player.

Blizzard is the one that allows a player to do this in a duel. Morally speaking if they feel strongly enough that this is an actionable offense then they should make it so it’s not possible. In a roundabout way it was blizzard that really griefed.

mc is part of the kit, get that free ear.

It’s sad that people like you exist.

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So many idiotic responses. Everyone knows why you MC in a duel, and its to grief, full stop.

Read the damn rules.

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These points aren’t mutually exclusive, though, as so many players in this thread seem to believe.

So if you were driving someplace and you hit somebody, your defense will be “I didn’t kill him, Force did!”

Yeah, you ain’t fooling anybody.

Safe to assume that any duel with a priest is thus a duel to the death.

It is obviously griefing. The more this happens, the less people want to even bother with HC. Consider carefully what kind of conduct you want to see in this community.

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