Is MCING A Player Off A High Place During A Duel Considered Griefing?

These people defending… I agree is funny af. But it is definitely against their rules according to the thing you agree to every time you make a character in HC. Doubtful they will regulate it but it is against the rules. Do it if you want to, you most likely won’t catch a ban, but if you do don’t be surprise.

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I guess he shouldn’t have allowed himself to get MC’d.

It all boils down to a skill issue.

Your loss, friendo.

I give great advice on how not to die from duels.

Anything that can happen, will happen. I would never in a million years duel a priest next to a ledge.


Name calling is inappropriate.

Please, let us keep the forums civil.

Actually I’d argue that doing such a thing is heroism. It’s simply vigilantism, saving HC players from dying to someone who isn’t paying attention by thinning them out by force.

Would a hug help, friend?

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If they’re naive enough to accept a duel with a priest near a cliff… then they deserve the consequences… and they’ll learn next time

You’re actually wrong my guy. Maybe hold the lecture on “basic game mechanics” before you understand them yourself.

You don’t take fall damage while MC’d. So the only way a priest can kill you is by jumping you off a cliff where you will break the MC from distance, or by clicking it off after jumping, in which case you have an opportunity to use the cloak before hitting the ground.

It’s ok to be wrong. But being arrogantly wrong is pretty embarrassing.

TBH my guy, YOU seem like you’re working through some shizz yourself with this cringeworthy projection.

It’s a video game. You seem to have forgotten that. YOU might want to go touch some grass because you seem to have lost all perspective and it’s a little worrisome.

You die, you die.

Sure, in that context I’d say that’s griefing. But in a normal duel, which is what the OP was asking about, I think it just is what it is and you should be aware of your surroundings before taking the duel. I wouldn’t accept a duel in an area with hostile mobs either…

You die, you die.

Not deflecting anything.

If you’re dumb enough to duel in a situation where you might die, that’s on you.

For as much as you’re concerned above everyone holding hands and singing kumbaya, you sure are quick to accuse others of bad behavior.

Be the change you want to see, friend.

lol yes, it’s an intentional kill, not a mistake or bad judgement.
People… I swear.

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You agreed to a duel. Mcing you off a cliff is one way of winning the duel. It unfortunately also has the side effect of killing you but… :person_shrugging: You didn’t agree to a duel with narrowly defined rules, you just agreed to the duel.

That IS different from this hypothetical situation people keep bringing up where someone is tricked into accepting a duel under the guise of helping someone, and then MC’d off a cliff. That is pretty patently griefing. But simply MCing someone off a cliff during a duel is using your skills and the environment to your advantage in order to win the duel you both agreed to.

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Right, you don’t die in a duel.

No, it’s intentionally killing a player, or griefing.

to be fair…it feels like blizzard griefs more than players do right now. last night saw a level 40 hunter hearth into the booty bay inn and get merced by bruisers. And then you have people logging out and then spawning into enemy faction towns.

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I disagree. And where do you draw the line? MC is a core skill. Is it ok if you jump off a small hill and only take them to half health? What if you misjudge and they end taking a dot tick and dying? So it’s only griefing if you MC someone off a ledge of a predetermined height??

Somehow I don’t see Blizzard taking the time to define all that… And until they come out one way or the other you can’t definitively say either way.

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