Is MCING A Player Off A High Place During A Duel Considered Griefing?

Who said duels had to be friendly?


Well I guess he learned a lesson about minding his surroundings.


because it causes death in a non-lethal duel.

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I wasn’t even aware that there was different types of duels. I thought all duels were to the death.

Apparently, they are.


I don’t even duel in non-hardcore WOW. Why in the world would I do it here and chance character deletion?

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because you’re hardcore like that.
great question.

No you’re not.

What was the need?

You were already wrong.

Again, incorrect.

it’s in the thing you agreed to when you created a HC character, sweetie :expressionless:

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no, but it doesn’t need to specifically lay out an exact scenario :expressionless: it’s telling you to play nice, and exploiting a friendly duel to permanently kill someone is not nice.

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I think if you MC somebody in a NORMAL duel, and they die, thats a violation

If you DUEL TO THE DEATH, anything goes


You seem to have mistaken how much control you have here.

Not surprising, really.

During a normal dual where both side agreed to duel idk, there is always a need to be aware of your surrounding, what if you duel and you lose then agro a mob a 1hp and die, its obviously your fault, but throwing someone down a cliff is 100% a deliberate action and should at least warrant a warning I would not instant ban.

Ive seen the video of such a death and this is 100% griefing in that particular case.
“Hey I wanna test a macro real quick”, the guy invited the guy and made him fall from 1000s needle. Anyone who thinks this is not grief is wrong.


No, you accept the risks when you accept a duel. Learned a lesson the hardway. Funny times and well done to the victor.

You can’t hold a cogent argument; you have no actual counter or reasoning to anything except to point at once sentence and ignore everything else. And, you’ve made up your own definition of flagging to support that entering a duel isn’t consensual PvP.

But in the end, if someone is reported because their opponent died in duel; unless Blizzard can see clear evidence of trolling (meaning chat logs, etc); no one is in trouble for dying in a regular duel. It happens and is a risk you take in dueling.

If you need Blizzard to hold your hand because someone killed you in a duel; hardcore isn’t for you.

So I will no longer be engaging with you unless you come up with something other than that one sentence and your own re-worked definitions.

Name seems appropriate.

I’m wondering why this guy was fighting by a cliff if he didn’t have a parachute cloak.

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It’s a common law principle that the express inclusion of something is to the implicit exclusion of all others.

That Blizzard has defined the three specific scenarios for legitimate PvP on HC leaves no room for you to interpret what else constitutes ‘PvP’.

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Just like when you duel someone and get feared into mobs, you need to be mindful of your surroundings and make sure that the terrain can’t be used against you, or that you can use the terrain to your advantage.