Is MCING A Player Off A High Place During A Duel Considered Griefing?

They say they do but they don’t.

You die, you die.

Okay internet sweaty Dolph Lundgren meme guy.


I’m a total carebear scrub.

I just like an even playing field.

yeah we all know you dont play the game, 17 gnome warrior

I didn’t mean you as being sweaty, the guy in the “if he dies he dies” meme is sweaty.


You really are sweet, with your ad homs and your insecurity.

When was the last time you even logged onto that toon? Lmao, talk about insecure

Are you familiar with the concept of projection, friend?

this is my retail main. when I’m on retail I’m on this guy more than my 70s. check the armory, babes. theres different ways to play this game, but none the less, i play it at least, unlike you. lmao


That’s not how depth of field works when considering a person looking at a screen which is just a foot or few feet away from their eyes. Game Depth of field does not translate to actual life depth of field vision.

If it’s a duel to death(Mak’gora), then it should be allowed to MC someone and run them off of a cliff.

If it’s not a Mak’gora, then it’s not intended to be about character death, and as such, it(MC deaths)should not be allowed.

He wasn’t MC’d when he died.

Do you have a point to make here?

You die, you die.

Okay. And?

Would a hug help, friend?

Not sure why you replied, as you did not even address anything I said.

Anyway, you’re just here to troll. Got it.

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A “level playing field”?

Gimme a moment to refill before you post how this is “a slap in the face”.