Nope. But then neither can anybody with the best gear. Its a 40-man instance…
it can’t be done solo. As such and as stated, you’re more dependent on a raid force with enough people 60, or fairly close to 60, willing to go, with hopefully good communication and coordination. There won’t be a lot of those on server and its always a building process. Just how it goes.
The raid I was on was a patchwork of multiple guilds because nobody really had the numbers to do it alone.
Its Westfall on the Horde side… or basically the Cheers Bar… ‘Where everybody knows your name’. I recognized quite a few people simply by name who I was never in guild with, simply because I had grouped with them before. Interestingly enough, it was always the people I tended to have good experiences with.
The bads usually don’t make it to the end. They either blame someone else, blame the server and transfer, or just simply disappear by that point.
A mechanic is an opportunity to fail the encounter only if ignoring it results in a wipe. For most Retail raid mechanics, that’s true only at Mythic difficulty.
It isn’t quite this binary. Even minor mechanics that add issues can result in a wipe if they’re ignored/failed too often or too many times. This is essentially how every single “soft enrage” encounter works, where death-by-a-thousand-cuts is the reason you either smoothly sail on through with minutes to spare or you’re hoping beyond hope that the last 3 raiders alive kiting the boss at <1% don’t die to the puddles covering 99% of the room before the boss does.
Wipes come slow and on many fights the average raider isn’t aware of such imminent failure unless they’ve been told some threshold they need to meet or they’ve been wiping for too long to not know any better.
Baron Geddon is an easy easy EASY fight with essentially three mechanics, but only one can singularly wipe your raid under very specific conditions. The AoE can be semi-healed through if people are slow to move and even losing half the melee isn’t going to be a wipe. Ditto if Caster DPS aren’t cleansed of the Ignite Mana rapidly enough and the fight drags on. Ditto again if half the raid explodes to repeated Living Bomb failures. Too many of these failures over and over will wipe you because you run out of bodies and/or mana. Baron is likely one of the most difficult encounters in Molten Core, which is really really telling of how easy the place is overall.
and since MC bosses have a single, maybe two mechanic who don’t overlap in any meaningfull way, since classes in classic have 2-3 buttons rotations, since the DPS/HPS check are super low accross the board(killing rag before submerge, dropping ony before her first deep breath), since there’s no cooldown coordination or external to toss around, and since the mechanic themselve are dumbed down ( compare Geddon bomb mechanic to azshara bomb mechanic, for example), since you can stack a seemingly endless amount of consumable to boost your character, including pre-buffing yourself with fire protection potions and such…
This is quite objectively not true at all, even if normal/heroic are easier (and alot of it being easy is groups like to be overgeared, like 420s running normal EP).
Dont get pufferfish buff? Dead
Keep getting hit by tornados? going to do.
Keep letting ashave get bubbles? Briny bubble in melee or ranged? Going to be wipe city.
Not keep adds away from boss on Uunat? Not using crown to kill them?
Ghuun orbs?
The list goes on and on.
Most heroic pugs wall at Ashvane due to poor bubble staggering/healer CDs, or so much lost dps in bad briny bubble placement.
Maybe you indeed need to get gud, but not only you but a lot of people that went into the raid with you because MC is hella easy.
And before you or anyone jumps on me, come on there is no denying that like every game there are good players and bad player and i have my experience with both kind doing dungeons.
Remember running Gnomeregan like 3 times and the 2nd one was with terrible players, took us like 2 hours to clear it up but when the other 2 when i went in with my guildies (we all raid mythic) it was 40 minutes the first one and 32 the second.
People think mc is easy because they’re completely ignorant of their bis. You can have 80% of your RAID bis before 60, which are green’s and blues. Few classes have most of their raid bis actually being from a raid.
As I recall, bear in mind it’s been 13 years, it was typically tank in your group > everybody else in your group > everybody else in the raid, unless otherwise specified. That sufficed for most scenarios.
Party mattered within the raid in vanilla, that kind of ended with BC and seems like most people didn’t miss it. Since I spent time working around it I sort of did.
People exaggerate what tools we didn’t have, but one that I didn’t have was WarcraftLogs or any equivalent. Was mostly guessing how much damage people were taking. If these are the real values from throughout vanilla, then the answer was “not much” and we could have slacked WAY off on MT healing.
The issue is in semantics, unfortunately. How do you define easy? If people do mostly what they’re supposed to, proper rotations, stay out of the fire, etc… then yes it’s easy.
But so what? You could say that about almost anything. Heck, DS3 is extremely easy if you just do what you’re supposed to do. The thing is, some people can’t, or learn slowly, or don’t have the information needed. So it’s not “easy” in the way a LFR is in Retail, where you literally can’t die no matter what happens, unless everyone just decides to go sleep in the middle of the raid.
It’s definitely not true on Heroic level. For a lot of mechanics it’s pretty close on Normal.
My guild is pretty much a perfect bell curve in abilities. We twoshot Normal Ashvane and Orgozoa. Azshara took longer, but even there, we usually had no deaths until the runes started getting drained.
My favorite was normal Rastakhan. The dude had more mechanics than I could keep track of. Most of us were completely clueless. We killed him in like 5 attempts, because most of the mechanics don’t do anything. The one that does (dropping the debuff in the death realm) is the reason it took 5 attempts.
I think one difference is healing is so much more relaxed which in turn is because back in vanilla we had a possibly exaggerated belief that the MT was never more than 5 seconds from death. So we didn’t feel like we could stop to check if we were standing in stupid. Now the MT can go for 30s with no heals.