Is M+ dead?

the graph doesn’t show it as dead, it shows that it started with less, most likely because of delves, and has actually been pretty level for the last 3-4 weeks.

The m+ population went down due to delves, which is completely expected. I’d probably skip m+ as well if they allowed us to actually progress to end level gear via delves, but Blizzard doesn’t want us to be able to do that so here I am.

Pretty much this too, but even at 11, you can be picky, esp if waiting 30 mins.

Ofc it is. Delves give the best gear for the least effort

Guild wars 2 tried this and it was an absolute disaster. Dungeons were a mess and cloth can’t tank, who would have guessed? Also what was wrong technically with tanks being able to finish the last few percentages of a boss? Do you just hate getting loot in PvE and timing keys?

waiting for fresh classic so I can be in the tbc waiting room

Why can’t they? nothing prohibits it. Heck, Zek’vir is all about non-tanks, tanking stuff.

They were soloing bosses from like 70% sometimes. People die to first ability cycle.

Tank solos it.

If the idea that someone can be so OP to solo bosses, I say give that power to all, or none.

It’s a bigger cause of death than we’re comfortable admitting, lol.

I dusted off this character to M+ with, but now I think I’ll just stick to PvP, as a BrM.:joy:

It’s stupid, but not getting any buffs and being the de-facto worst tank for M+ is stupider.

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Well tanks are expected to know the dungeon and mechanics the best right? Why did you put your tank in a position where he had to carry you? Sounds like you got carried to me :man_shrugging:

Tanks don’t die to mechanics even when they fail them.

That’s not because they knew mechanics, but rather, don’t suffer consequences for failing (well, personal ones at that.) And some mechanics flat out ignored tanks.

And you also didn’t time the key when the tank had to solo it from 70% correct? So everyone still failed. All that changed is you actually had a tank, unlike now.

616 in Delves why bother with Mythics? This needs to change a bit for sure.

Timers were lenient enough, timing is rather possible.

Only lenient if you were running easy content where things could be solo’d. you have to be referring to DF season 3, and that season was an outlier in easiness. If you pushed 26’s and 27’s and above that season no tank was soloing bosses.

26-27, tank finishing off 50% of manifested timeways, sounds rather doable.

You can still do the whole megadungeon after it’s been split though…

But again, if that is even true, how did it hurt you?

It’s bad design to allow a role to solo bosses while others cannot. I do not like the design.

And I did suggest, giving said power to all.

Someone is jelly.

Well, I tank and only tank and I do high keys and I don’t care personally, but people like you are ruining the fun for everyone else who isn’t a life time tank. I’ll tank no matter how bad it gets because I like having the pick of the litter, but for everyone else who isn’t a high key pusher that mentality is punishing lower level players who would tank but won’t now because it is even more punishing.

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Nah and you know that, there’s simply no reason or incentive/reward for pushing above 10 other than to flex your IO score. So the pool is much smaller, enjoy.