Is M+ dead?


Just do keys with a small grp of players.

very simple solution. just buff tanks

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I agree, but we know Blizzard. They won’t go back on a decision they made for at least an entire expansion cycle. Just frustrating that mythic + devolved into all this from what it was previously.


The game is improved by nerfing delves, and Blizzard is probably going to do that.

Wonderful not watching tanks soloing the boss when the group is dead.

If nerfing delves meaning making them easier while retaining previous rewards, then yes.

No, reducing their rewards because it throws off the progression curve. It’s going to be the end result.

Pshh I wish it was dead.

Maybe we’d get cooler stuff sooner than Diablo 3 Greater Rifts in WoW lol (that’s what M+ is.)

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Increasing difficulty or limiting rewards is never improvement.

And yet people play for said rewards. If you had access to gear four expansions from now. How many do you think will be playing WOW right now?

And let’s say, they drop from world quests.

Content will be trivially easy, of course.

deny casual players progression, they will leave,
blizzard will beg on their knees again for them to come back as it was already in SL.
Why do I even need to explain this,
Faux, nobody cares that you are getting carried through mraid, trust me.

No, people will leave because you can one shot mythic bosses with such power.

And legacy content doesn’t appeal to all.

Is that why classic servers are so popular?
Nobody left when eveyrone was pumped on corruption in BFA S4, its was fun.

When you say casual do you mean plays two hours a week or just awful players?

It’s true OP. I tried to join a key and the dungeon tab was wrapped in caution tape. Had a sign on the door that said “Sorry. The M+ machine is broken.”

Classic servers don’t upset the game’s natural progression.

Naxx is still hard, Heroic Lich King too.

If someone practiced before, they feel like they’ve earned it.

Go and study how many people play candy crash, come back after that.

You realize that and WOW are completely different audiences, and gameplay? And Candy Crush is too hard without wasting money.

You realize that principles are universal.
That people prefer to relax and easy content in games.

Candy Crush isn’t easy, in fact, people lose many times. And that’s how they get you to spend money in that game.

Better off playing Bejeweled, which is free.

Strawman, pass.