Is LVL 80 the new max for warthinn?

WoW isn’t wow without leveling, I wouldn’t play it without 10 more levels

I’ll use the actual name of the expansion when I type it out, thanks. But I’m also going to mock those who use brain dead mash ups of words and not take their threads seriously.


how do you eat 10 levels?

Y’all I cried when in the cinematic Thrall told Anduin, “It’s Warthin time” and warthed all over the sword.

Why are people trying to make this absurd abbreviation happen?


Bold of you to imply Shadowlands fixed anything.

God, I really hope ‘Warthin’ is not what ends up sticking in the end. It’s got everything it needs to just be an acronym like 7/9 of the previous expansions, yet somehow a messy portmanteau is gaining traction? My jimmies are rustled :sob:

But even with rustled jimmies, I’m just gonna keep calling it WW.


Bet money that Ion’s gonna announce a level squish after The Lightning Thief The Last Titan

Or dubya dub as I say.


Alrighty. Good luck.

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I appears that 2 extra letters is asking too much.

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SL pre-patch. Not SL proper.

What was the question??:grin:

So… many… resources they could have saved by just using what they have already implemented.

By not filling up on bread, obviously.

Ha! I’m already 80… I must be “ahead of the curve”… :muscle:t3:

Nope. You’re just behind the times.

Damn… Well I am coming back for the War Within… Any chance my legendaries from Shadowlands are worth anything?

It’s TWW. Stop trying to make Warthin happen, it sounds like a drug and IS a tumor.

Warthin’s tumor - Wikipedia