Is LVL 80 the new max for warthinn?

Dungeons and Raids, they are intended to be experienced with certain mechanics and features. Yet those can be completely ignored, effectively making the entire thing pointless.

Might as well have just spawned a chest outside the old raids that gave you weekly loot instead.

The entire mentality of this is really just “It’s because it has always been like this”. And no, that doesn’t make it good. It just makes it a bad standard. Expansions are suppose to expand. But the reality is that every single one of them have done nothing but shrink wow.

Compared to GW2 and ESO which will send you all over the place for things. FFXIV on the other hand follow wow’s trap though they are at least smart enough to populate past areas with stories that sends you back there.

Scaling multiple dungeons, entire zones and hundreds if not thousands of special cases, events, quests. VS Adjusting a few variables on players.

Their approach means that they constantly have to mess with expansions worth of content vs again, just player characters.


Think they’re might be a misunderstanding, I wasn’t questioning why we don’t have different level gaps, I’m fine with 10, I was questioning on why people want everything locked at 60.

When they’re no longer current content 4 years later, yes.

Hyperbolic much, content has to be super hard or just reward not allowed to do it at all anymore, no inbetween?

It does actually, “if it aint broke don’t fix it”

you’re using that word wrong.

You’re operating purely on bias, “I don’t like this there fore it’s terrible and everyone would be happier if it worked like I wanted it to” when pretty much everyone would despise your suggestions.

so in regards to this it’s a misunderstanding on my part, i didn’t fully grok that you meant kept EVERYTHING current.

While that may perhaps mean less work for the Devs it would 100% kneecap the game.

You’re wanting difficulty for the sake of difficulty and nothing more, that is not enjoyable for the majority of the playerbase.

Ah yeah.

That doesn’t matter. Personally I think the cap should be at 100. (I don’t mind if we start at 70 and go 80 or whatever, I just think that 100 should be THE cap).

60 is as good a starting point for a reset as any I guess. Gives you a couple expansions of 10 levels before numbers get out of control and we need to squish again.

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For snack chips I don’t know :slight_smile:

For TWW it’s 80.


Current or not should be irrelevant. A proper term would be and should have been “fresh”.

Like if you play the first, third or latest mario games. Their experiences are preserved even when they aren’t “current”.

I said nothing about the level of difficulty, only that it should be sought to be preserved.

It’s clearly broken since they have needed to do multiple squishes by now, which wouldn’t have been a necessity had it not been broken.

Think for a moment, how much of wow is truly relevant at any moment? Almost always and only the latest content.

It’s now world of warcraft, it’s world of the current expansion, or latest patch.

I’ve made an observation that blizzard is consistently shooting themselves in the foot because of a dated mmo standard. That’s not bias.

And people haves yelled at me for demanding handouts as well…

I’m not wanting difficulty for the sake of difficutly. I want to see the game preserve they effort gone into it.

And changing the expansion level pattern from 70-80-90 to 50-60 on repeat would leave the game largely unchanged for us the players.

That’s needless pedantism that doesn’t actually change anything.

Those are separate games, not DLC for the same game.



What does that mean?

Squishes and doing old raids/dungeons/content for mog are two completely separate things.

No no no, there is no “now”. That has LITERALLY always been true, since day 1, every patch, every expansion.

It kinda is since you don’t have anything to back it up, and again, the squishes and doing old content are two separate discussions.

Irrelevant to the conversation at hand.

You just keep using synonyms with zero substance. What meaning is there to this?

Except for people doing mogs/achievements runs which this would royally screw over.

Not much of an achievement when the difficulty related to it’s challenge is removed.

And for tmog, it’s perfectly possible to farm it in the latest content. What’s more of an issue than getting a group is the exploitative low drop-rates.

The achievements as in the tangible things in game that give titles and mounts and stuff.

No it would be getting the group, I like running alts through older stuff for different appearances. I would not want to have to get a full progression raid EVERY time I wanted to do a mog run.

There is the little thing called guilds that would save you the hassle of avoiding prog groups.

Again, I and and absolutely everyone else would not want to do a full progression full night/multi night clear just for mog, as opposed to the 30 min to hour it takes now.

Some of have some amount of value for our time.

So a few years ago we had to be squished because 120 was a scary number, yet we are on the march to hit it again in a few expansions. Makes sense.

I don’t necessarily mind the above topic of level squishes and whatever the level cap might be. However, under the new talent system it seems like level squishes might be harder to perform. If we gain one talent point per level, how would a level squish happen without us losing talents? It’d just muddy that system up if it ends up turning into something where you gain more than one talent point with certain levels.

But in the end, as long as my character feels like it’s still gaining power/growing stronger from one expansion to the next, I won’t really mind what they do. I’m definitely not interested in getting back on that complete power treadmill we were on from Legion through SL though, where our characters gained essentially nothing that carried forward after each of those expansions.

we made it to 120 last time. i would suspect we either hold out to then before another squish or the entire gear leveling system gets a complete overhaul and redesign so they dont have do the squish again while also not needing to reset player gear power in the same way.

old world gear is already squished so far that it doesn’t make sense. ilvl increases but stats done. :thinking:

maybe the current content gets a 1 decimal place change so while its 1/10th less stats, the mobs hp etc as well as stat value per percent also remains the same.
older gear from previous expansions dont get any smaller in value.

maybe also a new modifier to gear could be character lvl related.

take lvl 60 for example. we call that shadowlands. at lvl 60 gear from that expansion gets a multiplier from 1x at lvl 51 to 2x by the time it reaches lvl 60. the value worked backwards so the current lvl 60 value is 2x.

going into lvl 61 the old gear doesnt gain any extra power from lvl while the new expansion gear stats get a buff 1.1x until lvl 70 at 2x

basically, the idea is, (if it worked) is that each expansion keeps a sort of bubble value for the relative player power. squishes only affect the expansion so numbers can stay manageable by the servers while not damaging the power curve for the past expansions.

another way to go about it would be to do a 10x(1+expansion number) vs old content using the current gear. maybe calculating the number bonus backwards so shadowlands content using Dragonflight gear is 2x more effective. and vs bfa is 3x more effective. but shadowlands gear vs bfa content is still only 2x more effective even though its patch 10.2

once gear is set up this way, each expansion could have its own ilvl gear range from 1-100
so in dragonflight your starter gear would be ilvl 1 with stat values equal to lvl 50 of the previous expansion. gear ilvl increases 5 every character lvl so at max lvl (gained 10 character lvls) dragonflight gear would be ilvl 50 and equal to lvl 100 of Shadowlands.
the other 50 ilvl could then be used to have gear progression for each raid patch.

only key difference is gear going up one ilvl would have much larger stat gains

/ramblings of a Bear cat birb thing that may have taken one too many hits to the head from dungeon mobs.

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Stop calling it warthin. You’re making it sound like a Costco brand Wheat Thin.


Do they come in blue and red versions to show off faction pride?

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No, they come in light gray.

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just like in wroking, warthin max level is 80. INC stats squish in 12AM.

yikes. imagine ordering people around what to do with wow but not buying them the xpac and paying them the year subs.

This. it was clearly stated in the deep dive. The Hero skill tree will gain 10 skill points from a 10 level increase to the game. So you can guess that we will be back to level 100 at the end of the 3 part story.

It’s no worse than calling the x-pack something that sounds like either a blood thinner or a discount inedible cracker of sadness.


Ion said during the deep dive about “on you’re way to 80” iirc

I mean you can watch the deep dive but I think he said that