Is Loot Council anything but "Scammers" in Classic?

And yet I got more loot than you, how poor of a player does that make you?

DKP is the least new guy friendly system. Most guilds don’t know how to set it up properly and gear just goes to the guys who have been there longest, not necessarily the ones who provide the most to your raid. We’ve only had 1 guy leave due to “loot drama” from our LC. He was mad that he didn’t get perdition’s blade on his alt rogue, it went to an OT. Mains should always get a piece over alts imo, so it didn’t bother me.

People don’t like LC because they don’t have direct control over whether they get loot, and there’s someone to blame when you don’t get a piece. But every loot system other than straight up open roll is just LC with extra steps. EPGP and DKP are just LC run by a spreadsheet or calculator, you can’t blame other player’s “corruption” for you not getting gear.


We’ve got an spriest at the top of our dkp chart who’s holding out for tear.

For the record, it will be our first tear.

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If your guild is garbage, yes.

If you don’t trust your officers, leave guild.

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Yes you can.

2 chars getting geared pepelaugh

tried to wipe guild by pulling broodlord
we kill him anyway

omegalul cry more about corrupt LCs that none of the other 39 people have issues with

You clearly didn’t read my post, try again

I’m not the biggest fan of loot council just because I’ve had bad personal experience with it however I do see the value in the system, if a group if focused on world firsts/top time speeruns LC way be a good fit.

I personally like dkps because the responsibility to gear out correctly is put on the player l would also caution against a lc that takes like 4 weeks to clear something like BWL drops, that just sounds like a recipe for drama and disaster.

Tell me more,

Every time you yap you sound dumber than the last

No need, I’ve got you thoroughly in hand. :hugs:

I’m not a fan of LC as well, dont join any guild who practices this system and move on. Sooner or later the corrupt ones run out of people to scam.


Well I wasn’t referring to LC, so yeah…

One such guild has made an appearance in this thread :astonished:

Okay Gnome Warlock.

How is it a scam if people willingly accept the conditions of how loot distribution is arbitrated? That’s like saying your employer scams you on a salary you both agreed on. Complete rubbish.



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the corrupt ones run out of people to scam

Your reading comprehension is Booty Buht Cheeeeks my man

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sounds like someone didnt get loot

90% of the time LC is fine, the people who say its “corrupt” or a “scam” are the ones who are usually the problem

Loot councils work fine, if people aren’t obsessed with loot.

We run LC, and save the loot til the end of the runs. The LC people know what classes, what people need what, and what fills the biggest need in a smooth raid run.

When that doesn’t happen, it is usually an oversight. I didn’t get boots of shadow flame for my druid tank the other day over a rogue for the third or so time… Being as it is the only decent pair of boots for a druid, I asked about it and lo and behold they were 100% positive I already had them.

As a result, the LC gurantees them next time they drop.

Free roll system or dkp… hunters, warriors, rogues, and even ret pallys would roll/bid on them.

The same goes for malfurions bullwark… like obviously 10000 times druid priority… unless you are rolling on it, or DKPing it.

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You too?

the corrupt ones run out of people to scam

Are you all Canadian or something? Learn how to read.