Is LFR releasing on Tuesday?

You’re trying to use logical debate against the ministry of truth, they will change the rules or the reality until they find one where they win.

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There is also no evidence to suggest that any discussion involving you is an intelligent one.


You mean like you did with your own post instead of discussing the points brought up in the post? Sorry, Shadowlands never had the numbers of subscriptions of Vanilla-Cata.

No, you’re not. You’re not substantiating any of your statements with evidence.

Which you still haven’t proven for this domain, as you made claims about that here.

Take your own advice, but as usual you’re a ‘rules for thee but not for me’ type.

That’d be you, not me.

Proceeds to engage with me again, hmm. Yeah, definitely someone that can’t abide by their own rules or words.

*1 dev, not all, and again if you really want to be technical the blue post cannot be found anywhere in it’s entirety.

Not substantiated, again, by your own standards.

Considering much of the dev team are raiders, and the lead dev was in a top raiding guild… They act, on raiders whims. See what I’m getting at? Maybe if you


Woops, I linked multiple posts from this thread. Thanks~

Nah, I quoted their posts that don’t talk about any of that. Plus, I can get a run through any raid content and still gear mythic quality gear with zero challenge.

It is invalid, yes. That’s a fact.

Said websites don’t show my data. Wonder if you can work it out why, and why said websites data isn’t correct and that said website doesn’t even substantiate their data. Weird how the ones that always go the route ‘you have to have evidence’ never have any real tested evidence.

False, because they don’t pull achievement information from all available accounts, and two they can’t look at accounts like my own due to certain settings.

It’s also not enough for an approximation.

Again, you’re wrong. No actual evidence has been provided, just numbers from a website that says ‘yeah these numbers are a good approximation based upon our searches’ and you took that blindly.

No, raids are a small part of the game done by a small part of the community.

“Raiders CAN’T be getting special treatment, see they didn’t get that OTHER house they asked for!”

Not at all, it’s like saying because one denies a spoiled child every once in a while that they don’t spoil them.

Entirely different dev teams, so false~

This game is being sabotaged to appease the top %1 of the player base.

Remember when WoW had 12 million subs? lol


LFR is a depressing place, people either die on purpose or auto and you have the handful of players who actual want to play dragging them across the finish line.

Maybe it’s nostalgia fog but I remember far more players actually playing during the early days of LFR, with more mechanics.

Whoa, I had no idea there was so much drama surrounding LFR :grimacing:. I just enjoy it because I like to see the story and I’m not a part of an active guild so I don’t have a group of people to do stuff with.

Yep, I honestly believe new players going into LFR are less likely to try raiding normal/heroic than if they never went into LFR. LFR is a pretty terrible experience if you care to read the chat. Basically a bunch of people complaining that people are dying to the singular mechanic that can actually kill you and are doing afk autoattacking levels of dps and people in turn complaining that their play is being complained about. Why would you want to experience that on a harder difficulty? You don’t experience that on the regular raid difficulties with guilds really, but they don’t know that.

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Yeah not seeing it drop today honestly just ruined my want to keep playing atm tbh. This ridiculous divide that goes on in this game is astronomically bad for the health of it, I… the longer I sit here and think on it the more depressed I get so i’m going to stop thinking about it. Ya’ll need to start to realize that not everything comes down to raiding with a guild, or just doing mythic+, we’re not those types of gamers anymore.

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Yeah, it’s kind of depressing to realize that lfr is viewed as a second class system by a lot of people. I just want to have fun lol, and lfr allows me to not have to coordinate with a guild or a large group in order to experience the story. I’m not arguing to have it drop crazy loot or anything like that, I just want to be able to experience the content without arbitrary timegates based on my preferred difficulty.

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Btw, took less than four hours for the cinematic to be posted everywhere from normal raids. But people were worried in this thread about LFR spoiling story, lol.

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