Lol how much time do you think is “wasted” making LFR? LFR is here to stay. It’s purpose is to keep people subbed by being able to experience the story for those who wont do group content on their own. Personally I think they could do more with it but lets not act like the game would somehow be better without it
You think any of those poster have ANY say in what Blizzard does? Damn, we have more power than I thought.

Everything I have said is fact
You have not backed up even a single thing you said my guy.
You can pretend that you know it all, but everything you’ve said is your extremely convoluted and frankly garbage opinion. People like you are honestly the absolute worst scum of this game.

Damn, we have more power than I thought.
People complained about having to do LFR for tier, and they delayed it to their benefit…
It’s been delayed past 2 expansions without any tier sets. Your story doesn’t add up.
Because they changed it and then never updated it.
They never should have changed it to begin with.
The big bad raiders can deal with it or cry all the way home.

Like how raiders demanded that LFR get delayed so they don’t have to do it?
Raiders never demanded LFR be delayed. Blizz made that decision because of determination stacks as Brews has explained.

Yeah, it is a problem.
Yeah your lack of common sense/reasoning.

The big bad raiders can deal with it or cry all the way home.
The big terrible looking for raid players can deal with it or cry all the way home.
Look. It works both ways!
It’s this way because raiders complained they felt pressured by themselves, guild ect to run LFR in order to get every possible advantage during progression. This was distressing for them so they made it irrelevant to run LFR by spacing it out this way.
Go do your own content without other people’s content.
The sense of entitlement is astounding
I’m not a dev mate. Stop blaming the wrong people.

You have not backed up even a single thing you said my guy.
Clearly understanding the word definitions isn’t your strong suit.

You can pretend that you know it all, but everything you’ve said is your extremely convoluted and frankly garbage opinion. People like you are honestly the absolute worst scum of this game.
I never claimed to know everything. Your uneducated opinion doesn’t change the definition of words or the context they are used in.
“Hardcore” raiders are the one that influenced that change with their whining.
The blame is to share.
And once again, I’m gonna ask for proof of what you’re claiming.
Have you tried google?

Have you tried google
Just no. You make a claim, it’s your burden to prove. You don’t get to throw crap into the wind and claim it’s true until someone expends the effort to disprove. If you can’t or won’t back up what you say then retract it.
Exactly. LFR was released more than a decade ago, and he’s trying to claim the players then had anything to do with the delayed release. Then ask ME to dig up 10 years ago. Great scott.
Asking for evidence of reasons why (Which, especially old expansions) Would’ve been in blue posts, when blue posts from old forums can’t be linked for obvious reasons is poor argument.
Asking for ‘facts’ while not providing any for any of your own statements while trying to push your own as facts(By their own words), like a certain orc does is also a bad argument.

Just no. You make a claim, it’s your burden to prove.
Don’t see you doing that, and further… Do you have any evidence of that being their burden to prove? Where’s the facts in your statements? :3
The only facts we have in regards to it, is that heroic raiders then complained about having to run LFR for gear to help their runs.
Even for MoP originally LFR opened 1 week after normal, and came out entirely. It was changed later in MoP to be staggered. The only things I could find were some articles like this:
Where it doesn’t seem to fully quote Bashiok either. But the quotes they used of Bashiok are as follows:
- Heroic/Normal raiders enjoy what they’re doing. If LFR was available at the same time they would be required to also run LFR as, at least for Normal raiders, would likely hold some potential upgrades. Regardless of how small or specific (trinkets?), progression raiding for many requires squeezing every ounce out of every aspect of the game. If another guild does this thing, you have to do it too or you are suboptimal. […]
- It’s pretty lame if the biggest and baddest enemy of the entire expansion is killed first, day one, in the easiest difficulty. And it would be if it were at the same time. It’s not only lame for the people attempting to kill him in the harder difficulties, but it’s pretty lame for the people aspiring or looking up to those killing him in a harder difficulty and wanting to be a part of that progression. […]
Which, since normal is generally killed on release as well as heroic I don’t think some of the points given hold much water. Bosses used to last longer than they do now, it’s that simple and now we have 4 difficulties instead of 3.
My guild doesn’t kill it first week. We can’t be the only one. Still doesn’t really prove the big bad raiders had anything to do with it. For all we know, it was all a Blizzard choice from the start.
The only change I believe the raiders caused is making LFR personal loot because of how full group would go in LFR and need on everything they can just to funnel to their friend.

The dozens of people in this thread that said it got delayed so they wouldn’t have to farm LFR for tier gear?
And you took their word for it?

For all we know, it was all a Blizzard choice from the start.
It was. When they added determination. Brewa covered it earlier but these guys are so mad they ignored it.