Is leeway still in TBC?

You are wrong

Tauren Leeway as mentioned on a warrior hitting people through pillars is a major problem.

This needs adjusting.

There will always be spell batching.

Leeway still exists in retail.

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Did you watch the video I linked? You can clearly see the leeway range in BFA is the same as Classic. There has been no indication that it has changed since then.

Leeway is still in retail.

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Yes, Taurens could do this in TBC, it also goes both ways so taurens are easier to hit as well(edit: Taurens have larger hit boxes*). There was an old video from a Tauren Druid complaining about it because they couldn’t “pillar” like NE druids could :stuck_out_tongue:

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Ranges themselves are completely different in retail, there is leeway but it is absolutely nothing like what Classic players deal with

The apparent difference in leeway between the two games is due to spell batching and the tauren increased hitbox. The actual leeway mechanic itself is the same.

Much rebuttal. Much clarity. Wow…

It shouldn’t be. I was arms warrior in tbc and have no recollection of it being a thing. Something like that I would remember.

Leeway is still in retail, with the exact same formula it has always had.

Leeway in Vanilla.
Leeway in TBC
Leeway in WoTLK
Leeway in Cata
Leeway in MoP
Leeway in WoD
Leeway in Legion
Leeway in BFA
Leeway in Shadowlands
Leeway in Classic
Leeway on the BC Classic Beta

All of these are the exact same. Leeway has not changed or been modified at all in 15 years. Tauren hitboxes have been normalized, and the WoW servers were moved to a 10ms batch cycle instead of a 400ms batch cycle when the WoD prepatch hit.

Here are some links, you can see that melee leeway was the exact same in Vanilla, MoP, and BFA. It didn’t change between any of those expansions, nor has it changed after any of them.

turinpt comments on To all of those who claim Melee leeway wasn’t in vanilla (

[Sticky] Warlords of Draenor Theorycraft Discussion - General Beta Feedback - Blue Tracker - World of Warcraft (

Melee Leeway is a BFA Mechanic? | Classic WoW Discussion - YouTube

It functions drastically different in classic than it did in vanilla or it does in retail. I don’t know why, but it’s an abomination in its current form

It was pretty much confirmed, has been in WoW from Vanilla and is still in WoW to this day.

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