Is it wrong to Need roll on Frozen Orbs as the Tank?

Everyone should need it, it’s literally just 10 badges or 50g average on most servers.

It’s literally 15mins of farming.

If you’re that pressed about the orb just res it and see how far you get.

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If you need it, need it. If it’s greed, greed it.

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I mean, it screams entitlement. We as tanks already get northrend supplies. You legit in your post said you do not “NEED” the orb for crafting, only got a literally greedy reason. I’m a tank and i still greed. If you get 13 orbs in a day and its agreed upon ahead of time fine, all you booboo. They agreed to it. But if you didn’t and you straight ninja then I would avoid running with you like the plague.

maybe you hit the spam button too much or maybe you spam it on the channel without using your brain

Anyone rolling need on Frozen orb is an instant blacklist for me.

There is absolutelly no reason to need on it. You can have so much of them with just marks. There is NO sacenario where a personne commes into heroic “I’m here for a frozen orb”.

lmao even

I play 3 plate classes full geared as tank, and even I’m not that disconnected from reality.

Im a tank and i always HR the orb because:

  1. Im the tank
  2. I have a healer friend
  3. I made the group
  4. Because i can

That’s weird, homie. Every group I’ve been in, everyone rolls need. No arguing about ninjas, it’s not profession specific, etc.

Need eveyr time.

I’m the tank. I roll on what i want, when i want. You have the privilege of being invited to my run as a “”“dps”"". Your job is to shut up and hit things and IF you are lucky, IF i deem it so, walk away with some scrap of loot.
You are replaceable. One in a plethora of lemmings who are falling over themselves to run content. This goes doubly so if you’re a ret “”"""""“dps”""""""" paladin (which i systematically avoid inviting to my runs and go straight onto my ignore list (which has been full for sometime btw))

Lol in wrath classic you are replaceable as a “Tank” as there are a plethora of tanks.

Didn’t ask.
Don the dress

Doesn’t matter… Stay in line.

Didn’t ask
Don the dress

Yeah, and as everyone needs currency, FO should be an auto need for everyone tbh

It depends on group

Just say clarify that everyone can need on it. If you think you deserve them and nobody else does just cuz you are tank, that’s a diff story

No it is wrong to post here as a troll. You must be that Reddit guy that got banned

If you let everyone know you’ve reserved the orb for the tank when forming the group in LFG, it is not an issue whatsoever. This would allow everyone to have the choice on joining a group under these conditions.

The only issue would be if you delayed telling people when the group kills the boss, and everyone naturally rolls greed and you roll need. That would be unethical.

Regardless, neither of these conditions are reportable.

On grobb the standard is all need on frozen orb.

Over the 100+ heroics I’ve done, everybody needs on the frozen orb… so why not the tank?