Is it wrong to Need roll on Frozen Orbs as the Tank?

But would you be upset in random group if someone needs?

so what does rdf have to do with this? There’s gonna be groups that are just fine with the tank taking the orbs and there’s gonna be some that have a big problem with it. The reason they would get mad is it is one of if not the only place to get frozen orbs, which all professions need to craft epic gear. And yeah I think you can trade artic fur for it but that would not be a cost efficient way to get them, as they’re expensive and don’t often drop skinning.As it’s your group it’s perfectly within tos to hard reserve items, it’s just gonna be harder to get groups, as everyone wants em.

The groups I play with are already completely random. How much random can you get? Unless it’s RDF then it’ll be completely random. But like I’ve said, I wait to see what people click. If even one person hits the need button, I hit need.


Smart yeah, that’s def the way to go about it.

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Heck sometimes I’ve hit greed first and everyone else hits it too. And if someone wants it for crafting, going by complete trust in words, the group is fine with it at the end of the day.

Like I’ve said, it depends on the players. If you end up being that player that always happens to hit need on the orb and lied about it, people will mark you as a ninja. But this depends on you ending up grouping with the same players over a period of time and call you out on it.

Call me old fashion, but you hit need if you need it meaning gear upgrade or crafting purposes. You hit greed if you want to vender/AH it. Pass if you just don’t care for it.


yeah, cause this system would be broken. If every tank was entitled to the orbs, they would control the entire crafting market. I feel like making your own group with em on reserve is fine, but I never see people need on orbs, and I imagine if it wasn’t previously stated that they’re gonna roll need, the group would put you on ignore, or tell trade you’re a ninja, something like that.

Everybody I see always rolls need on orbs, so I roll need too.

They have about 8 other dungeons they can run. If you don’t win an orb then try again tomorrow

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Remember Righteous Orbs in classic? Tanks demanded that Orb. Heck, some would go along the lines saying all orbs go to tank.

Do you live to try to start controversy?


Have had it had happen in the last 2 dungeons I ran where people started rolling greed then somebody hits need at the end. I think everybody needs to just start rolling need on these.


luckily on my server frozen orbs are dirt cheap so if a tank really wanted the orb I’d be fine with it. I could see people going ape nuts too though.

If you have a use for it. Roll need.


Logically, if you don’t care you would pass. Greed means I want this for money. Need means I’ll use this as gear, or to make gear in the case of the orbs, that I need.

At least that’s always been my interpretation.


You shouldn’t need on anything unless you need it. Wtf is wrong with this community.


A level 10 couldn’t tank a Hogger…

I’m fine with giving tanks an incentive to do content, because it helps the rest of us. With no RDF, we have to invent our own solutions to problems since blizzard is afk at the wheel.

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You’re already getting that supplies box for tanking, is that not enough? Free mounts they say…

The irony has come full circle.


I need on every frozen orb. I consider it a well-intentioned service tax for making the group and inviting the other players in my group.

I let the other 4 roll on them when I form as a thank you… :wink:

I became a tank myself lmao, it’s true it did come full circle but I believe in it now.