Is it worth to play at 1440 resolution?

Hello, i’m currently playing Wow with a Full HD 144hz display . Is it worth to try for a 240hz or 144 hz with 1440p resolution? Is there any difference playing this game with 1440p? thanks in advance.

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1440p gives you more screen real estate for addons.


I play at 1440p. Have done so for years. Certainly couldn’t do any smaller anymore. Been toying with the idea of going 4K but my GPU may not be able to handle that.


I play at 1440p and I do think it’s significantly better than 1080p. When I use just my laptop screen (1080p 144hz) it’s just so… pixely.

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Depends on how much money you have and how big the monitor is. More resolution means you can pack more stuff on the screen, but the stuff will be smaller.

WoW’s visuals do seem to scale pretty good though. Playing at 1080p on a larger monitor (technically a TV) looks better to me than playing on a smaller monitor. I think you get into diminishing returns with the frame rate and refresh rate with the monitors though.

A lot of people can see the difference between 144hz and 60hz or 120hz, but whether it’s really an improvement that’s worth what you spent on it I think is debatable.

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Yes. Once you go 1440p you’ll never want to go back.


I got a 1440p 144hz 32" monitor and I’m pretty happy with it. I lock WoW to 60hz to keep my gpu usage down. My gtx 1070 runs under 50c for tempture with WoW video settings set to 7. With WoW fps set to 144 it runs bit hotter close to 70c
I do have my monitor set to 144hz in the Nvidia video settings.

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Worth it? That’s a matter based on your finances.

Is it nice? Yes.

Huge difference in 1440p, don’t know if you’d see that much difference in 240 refresh rate for wow, don’t even know how far you’d have to take wow down to get that kind of fps lol.

Why would you limit your video card so much? 70c is a pretty avg temp for a video card, up to 85c for nvidia cards. 70c is actually on the low end for a card in use

Depends on screen size. 1080p is probably fine for 20-21.5", but for 24" and up I wholeheartedly recommend 2560x1440. At those sizes, 1080p looks horrible due to the low PPI.

It’s partially personal preference, but for a game like WoW with low twitch factor I’ll take resolution over framerate any day.

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Keeps my room a bit cooler and saves on power usage during the summer months.

I play at 3440x1440 and it’s lovely. Curved, too.

lol, i’d just turn the lights off and get a fan over limiting a card i spent 400 bucks on

Rookie numbers in this racket.

We’re getting 3080s next year actually, but because we always have to buy 2 we have to not get 3090s :stuck_out_tongue:

Sticking with my RTX2080ti. The 3000-series is neat, but the 3080 isn’t better enough to validate dropping another $800. The 3090 is pretty beast, but good luck finding one.

Thinking I’ll wait until the 4000 series to upgrade. Having no issues with my current.

Yea, we skipped the 2000 series, wasn’t enough of an upgrade from the 1080s


I went from 1080 to 4k, skipping 1440. Go big or go home, right?
I didn’t think it’d be a huge difference for wow (was bough primarily for work, so I could have more open at once and not have to annoyingly flip through individual windows), but it was a massive difference.

Everything just seemed more fluid.
Everything was a bit prettier.
It actually got me playing BFA again, it was just such a joy to see at that resolution.

And yes, far more real estate to tuck the UI away in.
If you can swing it, I’d say get a 4k.

I would love a new card that can do ray tracing but right now im happy with my 5700 xt at 1440p. I tend to limit the fps at around 100hz and it tends to pull those numbers at graphics 7 pretty nicely.

I will wait to see what next year brings with the ryzen 4000 series and big navi and then decide what to do