Is it worth to play at 1440 resolution?

WoW 4k1

WoW 4k 2

Basically I think the main thing is lines being a little cleaner. It’s mostly like anti-aliasing.

This is 4k everything maxed, get a little over 60 fps on 5700xt. have it capped since monitor does 60fps.

Depending on game - FPS maybe greater than 144 might be useful. Probably only if you are competitive. For most people, 120 fps in a shooter is probably great.

For me, for RTS and MMO’s 60fps is nice, so 4k and a bit lower fps is fine. For wow I don’t think more fps matters much. Maybe competitive PvP, but even then I doubt it.

If you can hit 144 FPS at 1440, do it. If you’re only hitting 60 at 1440 or 4k, not worth it IMO.

In tests I’ve seen, and from my testing experience, more frame rate is more enjoyable than more resolution.

Meaning 144 @ 1440p > 60 @ 4k

I can’t even look at my work computer screen when I move the mouse. It drives me crazy looking at 60hz now that I am used to 144.

Here is a good reference.