Is it worth maining Monk as a whole class in TWW

Do you like punching stuff and drinking tea and/or alcohol? If yes, play monk.

Other than that monk is usually quite viable as a whole, but not bleeding edge. The playstyles across the three (four if you want to split fistweaver and castweaver) are all decently engaging.

As for why I main monk, because it’s fun. And also spite because sometimes it’s not fun being monk even if monk is fun. But mostly because monk is fun.


“Scaling with X” is an overloaded term and can mean either:

  1. Scaling as stat budgets increase throughout an expansion

  2. Scaling as you shift the proportion of your secondary stats at a specific ilvl

While yes WW Literally scales with haste via #2 because of the redesign requiring a haste floor. I predict that it’s not going to scale well according to #1, which is the cause of WW’s long term result of stacking versatility.

Haste is essentially just versatility 2.0 because it basically just increases the damage of FoF (large % of damage profile) and then also increases the damage of RSK through multistrikes but otherwise has less effects on our actual number of resource spenders (yes it has marginal effects on melee swings and some interactions related to them but its overall very small)

Classes that scale well with haste cast more spells, get more procs, and use more of their hard hitting spenders because of haste but that is not really Happening to the same degree with WW compared to say shadow priest. —> resource dependent spenders (can cast as many spender as long as they have resource and haste makes them get more resource). Ww is a time dependent spender, even if we have unlimited resources, we still cannot spend more and thus haste is not valuable except for the weird damage mods they added.

Instead of adding haste dependent damage modifiers they needed to make haste radically shift the proportion of a big spender relative to the other secondary stats and still make other secondary stats viable for that same spender, not make a pseudo-versatility

You’re going to end up in a scenario where we stack so much haste just to buff up FoF and everything else tickles but yet it’s the only option because there isn’t actually a good secondary stat scaling mechanism via #1

I’m starting to think you’re soomweaver as you just make things up that sound good in your head…

Not a soomweaver

Also, Babylonius and I have talked about haste scaling a lot in the past but it’s off topic for this thread.

What makes a class fun is having different play styles in different scenarios (ST/aoe/raid/m+/pvp) as well as multiple options for doing the same DPS / HPS with different talents and different ability choices within the same scenarios.

Monk is not going to have different play styles in different scenarios (ST/aoe/M+/raid), and neither will it have multiple viable builds that compete similarly due to removal of EF and lack of damage options for caster MW and continuing to shoehorn WW into specific builds to be viable.

Monk will basically play the same and use the same talents in every scenario. Sure there might be some small changes for ST vs AoE but no big rotational changes such as introducing cool AoE only abilities that impact the your rotation significantly like you might see with other classes. You might press SCK more often in AoE, but youre not speccing into cool AoE only spells and procs that make it fun and exciting when we get to the “cleave boss” to switch out of the “normal build” for.

Overall, you’re just going to be doing the a lot of the same rotation and priority list no matter the content and it’s going to get old fast so I recommend trying to find another class that will have more variety, especially given the uncertainty in tuning and lack of a heroism/brez.

I tried monk for the first time after 10+ years of war as my main main and I like it so far.
Just wonder how good it was before changes. :unamused:


Any class is worth playing if you enjoy it. Ignore everyone complaining, and give the class a try to see if you enjoy the playstyle.


I play brew ww and casterstyle MW. Brew is in a great spot for tanking right now. And still testing my WW and MW caster builds needs slight changes for mythic + for me to run it better.

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Depends on your personal tastes and how far back you want to go.

This is truly the only answer. People fearmonger “lack of brez/lust/insert utility here,” but that doesn’t matter 99% of the time. Priest has neither and shadow was M+ meta for a lot of D/F.

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TBF, season 2 high keys were unplayable without priest explicitly because of their utility (MD and Mind Soothe). But you’re right, S3/4 they were meta just because they did 20% more damage than any other spec.

Any spec that is tuned to be crazy high dam will be meta basically unless they simply can’t live mechanics or theres a weird situation like season 2 where specific utility is required.

Thank you all for all the great replies, I think ima have my monk as an alt, Brewmaster to be exact.

I’m gonna main rogue
And have Paladin, monk and hunter as my alts

Thanks yall, love ya xoxo <3

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All I know is that after a several years-long hiatus from WoW, I haven’t had this much fun playing an MMORPG - WoW or otherwise - in years. I absolutely love my Mistweaver Monk and am totally addicted! Going all in with the new expansion with my Monk and I know I’ll love every minute.

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That’s any class. It’s called you playing better players.

Ehm, it means the class design allow good players to outplay your toolkit, even though you are on the same skill level.

It isn’t as bad anymore as it used to be, where all you had to do was to stop dmg from serenity or when someone was going to drop < 15%, but still not good either.

Fistweaving all day, it’s better than that mistweaving crap being shoved down our throats! :wink:

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Fistweaving is a ridiculous terms, it’s literally 4 talents. You are still a mistweaver whether you like it or not lol. And no you cant sit in jadefire stomp and sck all day, it’s purely maintenance healing. Eventually once you do higher keys you will need to do real healing and use the full MISTWEAVER toolkit.

Also if anything is being shoved down anyone’s throats it’s the one braindead boring playstyle peak of serenity shoves down everyone’s throats, knowing full well other builds are viable for end game content. ( ignoring higher content than that because it’s like the smallest % of players even playing and we are talking like 2-3 key level difference that doesnt really matter in any way gearing wise ) Blizzard does a great job at keeping multiple playstyles viable for end game content.

No braincells with this one rofl.


You really are a lemming… no one from Peak is sitting beside you at your computer forcing you to do anything.

It’s always projection with these ones. I do love the irony though.

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I love that people are upset that Mistweaver is in melee where it has been flagged as a melee for what? 4+ years now? How could mistweaver be melee? So strange that a class that has almost no ranged abilities at all would have a melee spec healer.

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Doesn’t mean that MW should be denied of having decent ranged damage options when melee is not possible (in PVP for example)

Longer, pretty sure Mistweaver has had a melee flag since it was released as a spec.

On topic, I’d say at least MW has been in the most engaging state its had since at least WoD.