I don’t think blizz would have picked King’s Rest or Waycrest solely because useful trinkets drop from those dungeons.
Let me guess, all trolls voted for grimrail depot? No. I voted for grimrail depot because a speedrun dungeon on a train heist is just epic.
Not possible, Democracy is not trolling .
If you admit it is trolling then you also admit the number of M+ player are infact a minority and unable to determine among themselves on how their content should be. Which is VERY BAD
It kinda is, like when people elect comedians
If people vote 50 times per account with 50 characters it only take about 60 accounts to be 10% of the pool. And yes players are bad to determining what’s right for them, that’s obvious. That’s why the saying goes “players are terrible at finding solutions only problems”. It doesn’t mean that feedback isn’t important, just that players aren’t designers.
Many of the folks who voted for Grimrail probably had never done it when they weren’t overly geared for it. It didn’t become part of the Timewalking rotation until relatively recently, and you’re not likely to get it if you Chromie time through a leveling character. Of the choices were offered, some people (like me) chose the one they hadn’t run half a million (or twenty) times already, just for the variety.
The concept is also cool. Way more interesting than any of the others that were offered. And a lot shorter than, say, UBRS, which is almost as easy to get lost in as Wailing Caverns.
You mean our current government or some other government or both
This is true for all players m+ players as well and player who do end game would already have many characters due to the covenant stuff . Though there is no way of proving anything without data that only blizzard has
Which means players not only M+ are screwed anyways with Blizzard’s track record
There is no way except people did admit to it, even if it’s false we know the system can be played. So it doesn’t look good.
Doing a poll to decide the M+ dungeons, and letting people vote who don’t even do M+ dungeons, was dumb.
Letting polls decide your business plans in general is a stupid idea, but at LEAST keep the results secret and restrict it to the actual customers of the subject in question.
To be fair I voted for shadow moon and UBRS.
I mean, that’s wonderful and all, but M+ is more often than not about routing and how you choose to progress the dungeon based on what you kill. That’s not BS, that’s called M+.
Grimrail literally does not have that at all. Period.
Iron Docks was trolled, in my opinion, no one wanted it from what I understand
The problem with Grimrail has always been the camera issues.
Most of it is a broom closet, pointing your camera at ground level or even at an angle results in seeing nothing. Your best bet is an overheard camera view but even that’s problematic. It’s the most claustrophobic instance they’ve ever created and is made WORSE by all the crates and other bric-a-brac all over the place, blocking the camera even further.
THEN, on top of having a dungeon where you can barely see anything, they equipped a ton of the trash with cone effects you have to sidestep, charges to dodge, and so on. Problem is… it’s very difficult to actually see anything. You have to just guess, much of the time.
THEN, for M+, they added these huge Nathrezim (with big wings) that obstruct vision even further.
And when they die, it fills half of the boxcar with a gigantic glowing cage, so your vision is obstructed even more.
Now toss in a small circle on the ground that moves around and people have to avoid because it stuns you if it hits you… except that you’re fighting in a broom closet filled with bric-a-brac while trying to dodge cones and charges you can barely see anyway.
Grimrail was ALWAYS horrible. Now it’s worse than ever.
(EDIT: And I didn’t even TALK about the other M+ affixes like quaking. Nobody will do this key when it’s Sanguine or Storming week, that’s for sure.)
I feel like that’s what it has become over the years. It certainly wasn’t how it started off as Legion (back when M+ was more fun) or how its predecessor of CMs operated. I still have fond memories of MoS, Upper Kara, HoV, CoS, and those were all linear as hell.
It was big pull and blast, grind basically everything into paste, occasional cheese, and it was fun. I still remember the days of pulling all MoS trash to first boss nuking it down in 30sec and then dunking on Ymiron on 15s. Or back in CM days of cheesing boss 1 of Auch with Soul Cap by pulling all the trash packs, killing it, then bombing the boss with Soul Cap’s pop. Or just killing Blood Maul Slag Mines’ last boss room by having a dk D Sim a flame channel. Boss included.
Sure CoS/stealth skips were still in play, but it sure as hell wasn’t as regimented as it is today. Mostly because Blizz nuked the everliving crap out of player power so now we are pushed more towards picking and choosing. Hell, I remember the first dungeon Blizz really designed towards “modern M+,” and it sucked. Seat of the Triumvirate was such an awful dungeon on M+.
These WOD dung’s are just a weird couple of dungeons.
Grimrail you cant move or see anything.
Spawns, if you die, suck.
And then the mechanics are either 99% non-existent. Or the last boss one shots someone with spinning spear.
Iron docks is like, you wipe out most of the dungeon with the iron stars after the first boss and… again no mechanics outside of the last boss fight really, and thats it.
Very bare bones/ boring/ outdated dungeons. Not sure whats up with them, would rather have more Legion dungeons. Or have at least freehold from BFA if we are gonna have a dungeon at all from there.
Then you have Mechagon from BFA:
People are cheesing Junkyard because of how broken the timer/shock bots are.
I guess workshop is ok? Seems like we gained a lot to deal with the final pulls, and they aren’t so dangerous anymore.
It just crazy to me. As someone who only got into M+ during shadowlands, the experience we have now is nothing like what we had the entire expansion. It’s less fun by a large degree.
I think it’s lower KARA, with that boss with the fire tornados and waves and the murlock guy… whoever designed that fight should be shot. Not because of the difficulty but because of the way it looks… it’s such an eye sore! It looks so ghetto and is just an annoying fight.
Grim Rail takes the cake though. That is such a miserable dungeon. Absolutely miserable. Get a string of small headaches all through out that dungeon.
The mechagons aren’t bad, still not great though.
I would kill to do a DoS, HoA, SD, Mists… or anything SL right about now. Our dungeons were flawless (in my opinion)
You could vote on every character you had above level 10, so it was probably trolled by a few people. You can make 7 more accounts on your bnet and fill them with instant level 10 allied races, bam 350 more votes!
Grim rail and iron docks were the only ones we could vote on, the rest were chosen by blizzard. I honestly like these both over either kara wing or streets. Mechagon is my favorite so I am glad to have it back.
don’t blame the company. we, the players did the voting.
this is us. this is who we are. this is what we deserve.
It’s true… it’s true.
But I think it’s rediculious they would come up with the dungeon pool via a vote. And not think of the potential of it getting trolled… and ruining the experience of hundreds of thousands of players
We voted for one not all and yes some people voted for grimrail on purpose to troll
No it isnt people actually said thats why they voted for it we just dont know how many did that
I think the only dungies that we voted on were the two WOD ones. The public took the easiest options which is the clear and obvious choice for competitive play. I would have rather not used any dungeon from that expansion but it wasn’t up to me.