Is it true there are only 4 classes that get to DPS?


is this really the hill you wanna die on?

how much do you wanna bet that I can show you not one but TWO Retribution Paladins beating most if not all pure DPS specs on a Naxx raid boss?

Give me a raid parse and a dummy parse for the same people, then we’ll talk.

It is mathematically impossible for any pure hybrid to win a DPS fight without extenuating circumstances.

Seeing as you don’t seem to know what you’re talking about and your argument is “I dun seen it, Cletus!”. Yeah, I’ll take my chances.

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again, is this the hill you wanna die on?

your funeral…

Again: Seeing as you don’t seem to know what you’re talking about and your argument is “I dun seen it, Cletus!”. Yeah, I’ll take my chances.

thats just dumb. shamen, warlock, feral druid, and ret pally all can raid dps

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That is not even a raid parse… that is literally “I dun seen it, Cletus” and what amounts to a fuzzy picture of what is supposedly big foot, swinging his dong out of the bushes.

I think you’re confused about whose dying and on what hill here, my boy.

It’s also Thaddius, a fight that is notoriously bad for Melee DPS because most of them can’t manage their own health.

You are delusional.

this is literally what I wrote friend…

“how much do you wanna bet that I can show you not one but TWO Retribution Paladins beating most if not all pure DPS specs on a Naxx raid boss?”

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I believe these are what you are looking for.

Don’t let him cherry pick enoucnters :stuck_out_tongue: Overall ret does incredibly bad. There are a handful of fights that allow it to seem like it isn’t a compete waste of space.

I’ve not spent much time learning how this new forum works.

</> preformatted text button to post links is your friend dude

And I told you to show me a raid parse and a dummy parse from the same people. Something you wouldn’t deliver even if you had it cause then you couldn’t keep trolling me.

You are delusional. Ret, Enhancement and Feral are all trash tier, no matter what you do to convince yourself otherwise.

why would I show a full raid parse when I haven’t raided on that server in literally over a year?

never mind the fact that no one looks at full raid parses anyway - only intellectually dishonest people do like (cough TipsOut cough)

you look at individual boss fights - not full raids lol

heigan dance is lulz cuz of aoe mana drain - KT is lulz cuz of mana detonation

  • AoE Mana Burn - Drains large amounts of mana and deals shadow damage equivalent to mana drained.

Mana Detonation

A debuff randomly applied to a mana using player. The player will explode after 4 seconds, dealing Arcane damage based on maximum mana to all players within 10 yards (not to himself). This will burn half of their current mana pool. This spell has a 20 second cooldown.

never mind the fact that GOOD Paladins wear 8/8 tier 1 for AoE Group heals on Loatheb


They can for sure, but they will never be good at it.

Warlock does -ok- they’re in a infinitely better place than the other three.

Let’s all base our decisions about a classes viability on a boss by boss basis. Not whole raids! Especially not general performance across ALL raids and tiers. (All pure hybrids perform at or near the bottom, by the way)

No, lets do it on a boss by boss basis.

You’re a clown, lol…

try again friend

or hey let’s look at Shadow Priest total DPS - when they get a HUGE DPS BOOST from mind controlling targets on Razuvious fight lol;amp;exp=0&amp;amp;upl=19645
thank you for quite literally PROVING MY POINT

I wasn’t there for all those boss fights lol

and on Loatheb…

I WAS WEARING 8/8 TIER 1 FOR AOE GROUP HEALS all the while during my time in that raid, I WAS SWINGING NIGHTFALL

on Heigan, I died in the eyestalk room after being in the first wave of portals

for razuvious…I WASN’T EVEN THERE!

but here’s the Priest DPS for him…

1 Dartanis (409383) 3226.1/s 19.3%


THIS IS WHY YOU DON’T LOOK AT A FULL RAID PARSE - jeez guys - it ain’t rocket science…



More power to anyone who can convince a Raid Leader to bring them as a Hybrid DPS that isn’t expected to spend time off healing, cleansing, etc. Those existed in Vanilla but they were almost always the Raid Leaders girlfriend , best bro or boss.

If you bring a hybrid they’re expected to be a hybrid and use all their tools or else why not just bring another pure dps for that slot?

Okay, I’m just looking at your Thaddius fight and you’re 19th. You’re dealing a little more than half the DPS of the person in first.

If you bring a Hybrid, even if they’re no forced to respec, they’re expected to heal, that is their overall main purpose 99/100 times…