Is it true there are only 4 classes that get to DPS?

I keep seeing that Mage, Rogue, Warrior, and Hunter are the only classes that will be allowed to DPS in raids and dungeons. And hunter will be restricted to only 2-3 players. How true is that?


Yup, it’s true. If you roll warlock, they won’t invite you and they’ll just shard all the warlock drops.


Not true. Warlock are solid after the 1.12 patch.


Should be, Mage/Rogue/Warrior/Warlock. Hunters have trash DPS in raids. Try Hard Guilds will only bring 1 or 2 of them at most.


That one went right over your head! :smiley:

Well, what you keep seeing is how the elitist players view it. Althoug your list should include warlocks as well.

Ret paladins, Ferals, Crit-Chickens, Ele shamans, Shadowpriests etc. will all have a chance. Just find the right people to play with.


need that tranq. short


Ret paladin, more like BoK paladin.


Yeah that’s why I said Hardcore guilds will only bring 1-2. IMO hunters are still bad. Only thing they’re good at is PvP.

Depends on how hardcore your guild is, but yes… the try-hard world/server first guilds will be forcing proper specs I’d imagine

DPS Classes
Warrior - fury/arms
Rogue - combat swords
Mage - Frost… then fire after AQ
Warlock - SM/Ruin
Hunter - Marks… then survival after Naxx gear

Priest - Holy/Disc with 1 Holy/shadow split spec
Druid - Resto
Shaman/Paladin - Resto- Holy

Warrior - Prot

and thats it for the cutting edge guilds who will enforce meta.

Other classes can step in and DPS, sure… requires more prep by the player and a lot of hard work and stealing gear from meta classes… in order to be mediocre in DPS

Fury Warriors will more than double the DPS of the “mediocre” specs … combat sword rogues can keep up within around 5% … and Fire mages will be doing damage, however, their parses are a little weird thanks to rolling ignites… but they def do damage

Hunters will be doing mediocre damage, but still more useful than like a Ret pally, Ele shaman, enhance shammy etc

For alliance a combo of Smite priest and Ret pally can in fact hold down 500-700 dps … however, that would mean taking 2 meme specs in with you… which in this case wouldn’t be terrible for buffs and side heals etc

But yeah… classic is very rigid for the progression minded peoples


Yeah well, it is what it is. As long as people contribute and they are able to pull through. :wink:

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People love to say his, but the reality is very different. Even on pservers with tons of theroycrafters, these meme specs are very rare in raids. If we end up getting ~3k servers, you can probably only expect one or two guilds to accept them, and it will likely be in small numbers.

I’m all for people playing what they want to play. But you are doing player who don’t know better a great disservice leading them to believe that any of these specs have a serious chance of raiding in any capacity other than as an alt.


It’s 100% true amongst top end and try hard guilds.

It’s 100% false amongst other guilds which will be the majority.


Not entirely true.

First off, in dungeons you have to compromise with who is available if you are going in a PUG.

With raids there are usually set teams. What criteria there is for raid teams is set by the raid leader. So if he or she doesn’t want something, that’s usually what happens.

This does not mean other classes can’t DPS. It depends on who is in charge, and who you have. Some guilds want certain players, some guilds want certain classes.


BoK is in the protection tree in 1.12.

Raiding is rare. It’s only discussed with vigor as if everyone is going to be raiding at 58 in the forums.


If you are a class that is seen as having inferior dps, just give someone gold to bring you to raids. You can basically just afk at that point and get geared. You don’t even have to have pre raid bis gear.


What do you mean you don’t use socialist loot distribution?


I think meta followers are doing the game a great disservice. Guilds have to choose and pick their raiders, and if none is following the meta, they’ll have to settle for less than perfect. I see it more as an attitude problem among players. Who cares about the hardcore guilds who just wanna race to the finish line, and then what? This ain’t p-server where a new one pops up every now and then.
As I see it, you firmly belong in the category of meta worshippers. There will be guilds for all. And all the p-server crowds will be spread out among different servers.


You can roll equally with everyone else, and not give the guy gold until the raid is complete. Or if you have enough, you could probably reserve everything you need.

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Hahaha. Indeed.