Is it true that Night elf society is matriarchal

Lol Sylvanas representing the forsaken ha

Did… did you even read my post?

It was, but then WoW came and changed everything.

Small technicality, Flandral was actually the co-ruler of the Night Elves, wielding (almost and arguably just as much) power as Tyrande or Malfurion.

I think he still fell directly under Tyrande in term of political might, he still held the second most powerful governing branch of their society.

I actually don’t believe that he had that much power or authority. The Druids maybe influential, but significantly less so than the Sisterhood, and no druid actually holds any political or military power. That is solely the duty of the Sisterhood.

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Night Elves have many forms of history where gender roles were vastly divided and different. In its history it was heavily strict even outlawed at a point where female and male night elves were forbidden to uptake specific roles.

Women often acted as the primary providers / breadwinners of kaldorei society. Men were often the ones to care for home.

Women often acted as the military, priesthoods’ faithful, or combination thereof. Due in part the heavy presence of influential women in their histories. Queen Azshara, Elune, Tyrande. Women were blessed by Elune in many ways.

Men, while less options were available. Were stictly allowed to become Druids of the Cenarion Circle. Often acting as caretakers of home and nature around them. Few examples exist where Night Elven men were allowed to take on scholarly roles such as mages. While few men excelled in the military and became Queen Azshara’s personal guard. (Captain Varo’then, the male magisters of the Well of Eternity, the Royal guard leading to Queen Azshara).

While Night Elves still remain mainly matriarchal. Roles have slowly began to open up post the Third War. With Male Elune Priests and Female Druids growing more by the union of Tyrande and Malfurion. Men and women can serve their nation now with little restriction. But their values of women remains higher due to the Goddess’ influence.

How is this over 100 comments?


Gender roles were actually removed long before the Third War. So long ago, that the commemorative statue honoring the event is an ancient archaeology artifact that has to be dug up.


The question I ask myself entering any thread over 100 comments.

That’s not correct. Queen Elizabeth (both of them), Hillary Clinton, Eleanor Roosevelt, Ursula K. LeGuin were all successful women, but the societies they lived in were still Patriarchies that throw up glass ceilings and other barriers to the success of women.

Women have to deal with a patriarchal culture almost 24/7. There remains a strong rape culture on WOW, with “your mom” being a part of almost every insult thrown in chat.

Male Night Elves don’t deal with that kind of garbage, so they aren’t living in a Matriarchy. They have one of the most egalitarian societies in Azeroth, rivaled only by gnomes.


You can get off the train at any time.

Flandral was literally the commander of the entire Night Elf Army during the War of the Sands.

Already did, but you called me back.

How has your day been?

It is a monument to all of our sins.

So your argument is… Night Elves aren’t matriarchy because there are a lack of “Your dad” jokes?

… Alright. Agree to disagree. Unlike the examples you have given, Night Elf government is comprised entirely of women, and all male figures acting only acting with an authority allowed to them by Tyrande or the Sisterhood.

Furthermore, irl we live in a suppressive patriarchal society. Night Elf matriarchy is not suppressive, it’s part of the culture.


Night Elf government is like the Human Brain, two separate halves which have communication, but neither trumps the other.

Both the Sisterhood of Elune and the Night Elf branch of the Cenarian Circle have governing influences over Night Elf society. They typically have charge of different things. The druids under Fandral did not need Tyrande’s consent to raise Teldrassil. but left the Sisterhood to their own devices in setting up their temple and operations. Priests don’t order Druids around and vice versa. Also, both wars in Silithus were fought under Druidic authority, not the Sisterhood, although the Sisterhood did assist in the more recent conflict.

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Night Elves aren’t a matriarchy because there is no suppression of male leadership. No one objected to Malfurion, or Jarod Shadowsong taking commander in chief roles over all Night Elf forces, whether male, or female.

The Cenarian Circle has no governing influence of the Kaldorei… it’s not a branch of the Kaldorei Government. It has always been separate institution.

Malfurion is never seen commanding armies, and any authority he displays is as an extension of Tyrande.

We even have Blizzard Devs day night elves have a matriarchal society… this is silly.

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War of Thorns.

And before you try to twist it. Tyrande is in Stormwind the entire time trying to soothe her civilians. She shows up just long enough to yell at Saurfang and then Hearthstone away with an injured Malfurion.

He was the acting authority the entire time. Malfurion has always been equal to Tyrande in standing and it has nothing to do with her allowing it or not.