Is it true that Night elf society is matriarchal

I am pretty sure “hearing her voice” is more metaphysical than literal. Elune is very much a disembodied entity. More like The Force than Zeus. You don’t so much hear her say words as you feel her presence and her desire.

This would be simplified into text for player convenience.

Could be wrong. Someone who’s read more books with Tyrande in it than I could tell you better. I only read the War of the Ancients trilogy and that was yeeeeears ago.

At any rate I am not sure how this is relevant to my point. The High Priestess of Elune is the highest rank in the Sisterhood and Church of Elune and the one who speaks on Elune’s behalf within Azeroth as per the title’s description. The fact there has only ever been women in this role proves the religion is matriarchal.


I wasn’t disputing your point, only that your original sentence was worded strangely (or I didn’t read it with the proper inflection.) It literally read as though you missed a word somewhere but I couldn’t figure out what.

Also, in the quest “He Who Would Be Forgiven,” Your character literally does hear a Voice from the Moonwell. So, who knows :woman_shrugging:

His point is my point, so I am glad we finally agree. Kaldorei are matriarchal.

It also does not mean he didn’t. Not a very definitive point you’re making.

You are definitely right, I was able to find the passage, thank you:

    Long before the eve of the ceremony, the two had already quickly settled any question as to their roles—or rather, Tyrande had. Malfurion knew Tyrande was the best leader his people could have and made no claims in that direction. However, she insisted that there could be no other choice but for the two to rule side-by-side, equal in all things where their race was concerned. She remained high priestess of the Temple of Elune and he the lead archdruid, but now those two stations would have closer ties, which would only ben fit the night elves in general.

Incidentally, in the present times that covers the legislative issues that Kisin was bringing up as well.


How is this thread still going

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Because over half the 600 posts are between the same three people wanting to make their point.


As you can see we have one of many.

Well, as far as I know, reading and playing the game, the night elf society is egalitarian at the moment. Yes, priestesses of Elune are women, but it seems like it is a remmanent of a time long past (if it even was there to begin with).


this is an older thread, but i like the topic.

originally, nelves were a mix. the main functions of society were mostly covered by the women, from running the towns to the defense of the town. but the druids, male only at the time, communicated telepathically and could issue orders as well.

this system was very unique, and i hate that it was lost in wow. if it were me, nelf priest and druid would have been gender locked.

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I’ve seen some Male Sentinels… and they are easy eye candy in their dress.

I’ve seen Male Priests in the Temple of Elune in Val’Sharah

There was a Female Arch Druid in Alteraac Valley who had Ivus in her charge, she was killed during the War of Thorns, and Ivus was driven insane. There was another at the Argent encampment in Northrend.

Night Elf society post Azshara is one where there were roles that genders graviatiated to but are not exclusive. Males have taken leadership roles without pushback. And are even more often seen in supreme leadership positions in war.

Nor is one gender rendered inferior in social status to another.

The society does not check off the necessary marks for a Matriarchy… or Patriarchy for that matter. Arguably, this was just as true in Azshara’s empire which was more of an “Azsharaarchy”.

Immortality however has made for a lot of stasis in their leadership.

I was mainly thinking that she died in the War of Thorns because Ivuss appears in World Quests at the Warfront. Although come to think of it. his corruption would indicate that the returned Twilights would have something to do with it. Thanks for pointing that out.

Their society was mostly segregated role wise, but there has never been any evidence that women had more authority than men. The idea that Night Elf Society was matriarchal is head canon from the Night Elf Roleplay community and has no basis in any of the lore old or current.


It’s head canon from a certain subset of posters, including one whose idea of progress for women characters rides on the idea that Night Elves are matriarchal.

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It’s kind of mindboggling that the only real shakeup in Night elf leadership that we’ve been able to sus out is Staghelm going nuts.

You’d think thousands of years would be enough time for some churn due to burnout or otherwise, but nope.


When a history of 10,000+years is full of mostly nothing but uneventful sunrises and sunsets, it can be relatively stress free.