Is it true that Night elf society is matriarchal

I am sorry that night elf culture is not what you want it to be. In Shadowlands you will be able to customize a troll to be a blood troll, thats more along the lines of the matriarchy you are looking for I think.

As I have said before, Malfurion banished an entire caste of people, the Highborne, through his own authority, not Tyrandes. He negotiated on behalf of the night elf people to the aspects at Nordrassil which got them immortality. And his order to keep Illidan imprisoned, was still so strongly respected that the guards came to blows with Tyrande her self to keep Illidan imprisoned.

If this is not enough evidence of a Diarchy, I’m not sure what will be.

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boy howdy did this thread take off.

I suppose this depends on how you look on it.

Tyrande does say Malfurion was in charge of planning the summit’s defence, while the plan to slow down the Legion long enough to give Malfurion time to do so was Jaina’s plan. Tyrande was the one the archers reported to whenever the undead built a new base.

In the end, both Tyrande and Malfurion were playable, so it’s hard to say if one or the other were really in charge. They probably work well with one another so the difference doesn’t really matter.

I think the greatest claim to Tyrande being the over all leader is the fact she was able to make Malfurion co-leader. You can’t really do that if you weren’t leader in the first place.

They weren’t blood trolls, they were just jungle trolls with red war paint that people mistook for blood trolls.

Thank you… They are still matriarchal though… as stated by Terran Gregory and multiple lore sources… None of which you have cited yourself.

No he didn’t.

No he didn’t.

No it’s not… and Tyrande overruled him even if it was.

Matriarchy is explicit… even said by a developer at Blizzard…

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The exile of the Highborne was stated to have been the Druid’s desicison.

The druids could not bring themselves to put so many of their kin to death, so they decided to exile the reckless Highborne from their lands.

  • Exile of the Highborne ingame book.

Chronicles just says “the night elves” without stating who exiled them.


There’s bull, as leader she had to be a part of that. Even if that was his choice, Malfurion has a level of respect in the society but she’s the leader.

She was present at that tribunal and helped make that decision along with Malfurion and Jarod.

He didn’t make an agreement for a damn thing! The aspects decided that on their own as a gift for the Kaldorei’s efforts in the war. Your knowledge of the lore is horrible.

So no you are denying canon events? Malfurion banished the Highborne. They later became the high elves then blood elves.

Malfurion was the one involved with Nordrassil, speaking with the aspects, and the night elves getting immortality, how have you missed this?

Tyrande’s overrule meant little seeing as how the Wardens, and even a Keeper of the Grove, fought Tyrande over it.

Then Chronicle is the correct version.

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Those are both correct, though. One is just more specific.


Malfurion made an agreement with Ysera, she blessed the tree, giving the druids easy access to the emerald dream, in exchange they would perform duties in the emerald dream, hence the long hibernation.

Perhaps check up on your own knowledge. Also, no Tyrande had no input on the banishment of the highborne, as Exile of the Highborne, an in game book, says the druids alone banished them.

The druids were the target of the Highborne attack, that’s why. It wasn’t really a matter of their authority.

Its not that cut and dry… and you are denying canon events too…

No, the Aspects blessed the world tree to protect the Well of Eternity… Chronicle vol 1 page 114.

And that was treasonous.


To note, all of this can be rather moot, as, just as you pretend Broxigar doesn’t exist, or how you pretend that it is not the case Elune’s teachings emphasized love and tolerance for all creatures of Azeroth during the Long Vigil, all anyone has to do is ignore any statement that the Night Elves are matriarchal if it makes more sense to them that they’re not, and then it doesn’t matter what anyone says.


I mean, they can do that… Doesn’t make them right. I pretend Brox doesn’t exist… but he does, unfortunately.


You’d think it was Tyrande who committed treason! I mean she killed a grandchild of Elune. Cenarius was Elunes son, Keepers are his sons.

Only the Goddess may forbid her anything… She is the mortal avatar of Elune.

I’m pretty sure Elune didnt tell her to free Illidan either, she just assumed he would help them, never mind the fact he could have been insane having been down there 10,000 years. If a demi-god told me not to free him because its a bad idea, id consider it, but hey, who am I to judge?

None the less, I think Malfurion and Tyrande make good co-rulers, just both sides of the society were closed off, Priestesses not thinking men could be priests, Druids not thinking women could be Druids. Its better when they are open to all of their people.

That was a decision Yesra made becuase of Malfurion’s efforts. He did not negotiate that or anything else dealing with Nordassil.

I am up to date on it, also…

Chronicle is the new and current version. No the in game book. Keep up please.

No Chronicle retconned it. It gives the impression that all the Night Elves or at least not just the druids made the decision. Therefore it’s the new, current, and correct version. That’s what happens with retcons. Blizz should have been more specific.

To be fair those npc’s were wardens, not keepers which are what Cenarius’ children are. Wardens are Kaldorei. This is the problem with your constant referencing of W3. It’s terribly outdated.

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No, there were Wardens down there, and 1 keeper of the grove. Not sure why he was down there, but he was titled as a keeper of the grove. Also, no it wasn’t a retcon regarding the book because those books dont contradict each other. One says it was the druids, the other says it was the night elves, both of those statements can be correct at once.

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Maybe she did. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

You are also not the avatar of an actual God.

Maybe, but that’s not the case.

They aren’t contradictory, so that’s a reaching conclusion. There’s no change between the two statements between one being merely more specific. Whereas The Chronicle is given as a different perspective, but the meaning isn’t really changed in those statements.

There were druid Night Elves and Night Elf druids. The only clarification I take is that non-Night Elf druids weren’t really involved.

It doesn’t given me that impression, no.