Is it true that Night elf society is matriarchal

Now Witness the Firepower of this fully Armed and Operational headcanon


She ended up in the leadership role because she was one of the few people left who could lead, what with everyone being devestated by the war.

Regarding piety to a diety. The night elves have multiple gods/goddesses. For the most part we have never seen any expressions of female night elves looking down on males. Even during Aszhara’s time the night elves seemed to treat everyone on a equal level. Hell, look at Suramar, a former night elven city were the gender of a person seemed to have little or no influence. We even see that various night elven settlements have “princes” leading them.

The night elves as they were post sundering/pre warcraft 3 were matriarchal but mostly because of a good chunk of males going to sleep/Malfurion having to sleep.

With Malfurion awake now we see plenty of male NPCs outright leading night elven contingents/leading certain towns. We see everyone treating each other with respect, and if Tyrande forshadowing is to believed, she expect Jarod/Shandis to end up co leading the night elves someday.

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This isn’t my headcanon though, the Warcrafy Encyclopedia is pretty explicit in saying the Sisterhood is the highest echlon of the Clergy. I mean, if you want to believed that only Tyrande knows state secrets of the Kaldorei, I can’t stop you. That’s pretty stupid though.

And the Sisterhood assumed power, sure. Not sure how this is relevant.

Elune is the most significant… We have had this conversation already.

We do not need too… We know it is a common belief that only women can know the Mysteries of Elune, and because of that, the Sisterhood of Elune is exclusively female. We do not need to see active oppression to have a matriarchy.

Not relevant, this was before the Sisterhood took power.

Not true… a minority of males were druids. Matriarchy came into practice because of the Sisterhood.

You keep saying this. No we don’t.

You can have this and still have matriarchy.

And Shandris is still head of the Matriarchal Sentinels, and a priestess in her own right.

Take your sexism elsewhere.

What you find disgusting is irrelevant. Reality often is depressing.

Not all NE Females were Wardens and Sentinels.

You really need to stop throwing stones in your glass house.

I agree, sexism is depressing.

Good job, you got the point. I am so proud of you.

Not throwing stones, just calling things they way they are. Denying Nelf matriarchy on the basis of “Men being successful” is an inherently misogynistic perspective.

Saying the only reason Tyrande is leader, the only reason why women are in power, is because there were no men to do it instead, is inherently a misogynistic perspective.


Calling other Sexist while disregarding your own is throwing stones.

No, it’s literally not, nor is anyone even “Denying Nelf matriarchy on the basis of “Men being successful””. We’re putting it into proper context and you ignoring context is being Misandristic yourself.

NO ONE is saying that women are in power because “there were no men to do it instead.” What we are saying is that Men in power weren’t around leaving JUST women in power. That’s not sexist. That’s literally what happened.

Attributing Sexism to that which no sexism is being used is pretty darn sexist yourself. Because you can’t even comprehend that their society treated each other as equals during the time in which they were both in power. To you, it’s “all or nothing”, that either women have all the power or None of it.

That’s Sexist.


Yes, it literally is, and that is the basis of nearly every argument being made.

Several people have.

No it is not because not all men were druids…

Lol, I have no idea what gender or sex you are, so I fail to see how I could possibly be motivated by that in this case. I am not an advocate for matriarchy, I support the lore and world building that establishes the Kaldorei as a matriarchal society, and I don’t accept misogynistic attempts to mansplain it away.

You keep calling it sexism while somehow trying to degrade the obvious impact male npcs have on night elven society. Especially the current one we have in WoW. The irony is palpable.

Which leads me to one of my earlier assertions, the night elves are as matriarchal as say Stormwind or Gilneas is patriarchal

Both nations having a relatively strong preference for males in the highest echelon of government/military at a point before WoW proper but slowly transitioning to a more egalitarian state of affairs.

A quick check shows we Lorekeeper Vaeldrin, Lord Fallowmere, Master Thal’darah and Commander Skyshadow shown leading Alliance aligned night elven towns.


I am not downgrading anything, I am simply saying that the authority in Kaldorei society is held by the Sisterhood. A explicitly female only institution.

And I do not agree, because it goes a bit beyond that as a matriarchal theocracy. It is more than just a gender bias, it’s rooted in their faith.

Vaeldrin doesn’t lead a town, he heads the scholarly expedition into the Karasang wilds, escorted by Sentinel Laylia. Laylia is the authority as the escort appointed by Tyrande.

Fruthermore, I have already explained several times, successful men does not negate the presence of a Matriarchal system. You keep going back to the same sexist argument.

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No, the fact that you have been inferring that proves you don’t understand the arguments being made.

But the Druids WERE comprised mostly of males while being the second most powerful organization within NE Society, arguably EQUALLY as powerful as the Sisterhood prior to them having to sleep.

It’s like if the entire Congress had to suddenly all Sleep (pretend for a moment that our government worked like a Monarchy.) That leaves one Third of our Government suddenly removed from Power, leaving the other branches as sole leadership.

Good. Because it’s irrelevant and only seeks to hinder honest conversions.

The entire questing in the Incursion has Laylia following him. Partial because it was HIS EXPEDITION and because she was his daughter.

Which lead to another discussion that female night elves dont seem to treat their father figures less/at least have equal respect for them as their mothers.

And again, at worse, night elves are in the sort of matriarchal society that is akin to how patriarchal Stormwind/Gilneas is. With a slow attempt to a pure egaletarian one.

As it is right now not all night elves follow elune. Heck, her most ardent priestess is already questioning Elune.

Beyond that, the night elves as a whole are composed of mages, demon hunters, druids and more nature focused worshippers that they are no longer a one size fits all society.


I understand the arguments… And they are made with a misogynistic perspective.

The druids have always been separate from Kaldorei society, even presundering. This is more true now with the welcoming of non-Kaldorei races. Despite that, Kaldorei druids still answer to Tyrande and the Sisterhood.

Except where were no branches of Government at all. The Sisterhood simply assumed power after the Empire was toppled. And it’s the Sisterhood doctrine from which Kaldorei Matriarchy comes from…

Not as a lacky, but because she had a duty to protect him. He had no actual authority. He was a civilian.

We really don’t have a wide enough sample size to really discern this.

Again, Matriarchal theocracy…

Stop repeating yourself, if you could.

Yes they do. Elune is the main pillar of Kaldorei society.

Druids worship Elune. Hell, Wild Gods even worship Elune.


Then your entire argument can be dismissed as Misandry just as easily.

Negative. Only Malfurion answers directly to Tyrande (more to do with her being his Wife then it does her being the high Priestess.)

The Night Elf society was literally built and established by Malfurion. The Druid and the Sisterhood worked together to rebuild their Society from the ruins of the Kaldorei.

How so?

False. I forget the context, but in the novel Stormrage, Tyrande commands Broll Bearmantle to do something, or she implies that she had the authority too. It was a flex of some sort that put Broll in his place.

No it wasn’t… Tyrande had more to do with it than Malfurion did.

The annoying thing about all of this, is these arguments have already been made. None of us are saying anything that hasn’t already been said in the thread. Just scroll up, read the thread. Most people agree that Night Elves are a Matriarchy because the evidence for it is more substantial.

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And the females that were in charge were a part of an organization in which the leadeeship has always been female. There by making it a female lead society, which is the definition of a matriarchy.

Yeah I know, but it’s usually pretty correct so I grabbed it.

And nuts.


Was he wrong though? He grew Teldrassil, the beautiful place every body is now mourning.


Because whenever anyone shows you example of Equality in their Society, you dismiss it entirely because it hurts your preconceived notions of Female Dominance.

The context was that he was asked by Tyrande to help recover Malfurion from the Emerald Dream. He still had the Utmost respect for her, both as the High Priestess AND as Malfurion’s beloved, whom was also his teacher. Everything she asked of him and everything he did for her was from that relationship.

It was Malfurion who directed that they Forsake Arcane and adopt Druidism, alongside the Priesthood who still followed Elune but it was a Dual-Religion Society implying they modelled their society on the Duality of Elune; Nature and Holy. It was Malfurion who dictated how the NE society would be structured and realized.

Again, it’s more of a Parsonarchy that happens to be comprised of females.

Well, he also graphed a corrupted nightmare plant into that same tree for the express intent to use it to corrupt his own people, so…

Actually somehow he believed it would bring his dead son back to life. Corruption wasn’t really his intention, rather, the corruption had already eaten away at his mind and he couldn’t see the truth any more.