Is it true Moonguard has a lot of server lore?

The question is in the title really.

To expand a little, I’ve been RPing for years now. Mostly on the EU realm Argent Dawn where I first RPed and learned how it’s done. Now in my “upbringing” any kind of “server lore” such as player owned areas, kings/queens, laws etc were all basically laughed at because nobody can influence Blizzards canon lore other than Blizz itself so everybody made their own characters with that in mind.

Now I’ve heard that Moonguard doesn’t abide by that and there’s apparently some king up in Lordaeron? As well as a bunch of other “Server headcanon” stuff that the majority of people agree to. Is that true? Or is that naysayers just pooping on the realm? I’m curious.

I don’t think there is any sort of lore compendium of headcanon stored on a wiki somewhere, and I definitely don’t think there is much that a majority of people agree on when it comes to server lore, let alone the established canon lore. Sure, there may be large scale server events that could be considered canon to the server, but even then it’s likely a small portion of the server as a whole.

I think the Moon Guard wiki is still a thing but I’m not sure how active it is.

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In my experience (Alliance-side), Moon Guard’s “server lore” is really more like a blend of in-character and out-of-character history. We have a lot of groups with their own quirks (Gnightly Gnews at Gnine, Stormwind Law Project, cat clans, everything about our version of Goldshire) but if someone wants to have their headcanon accepted by the server as a whole (“X person is lord of Y land now!”) they’ll still get laughed out of the room. The people who do abide by that sort of thing usually just form a small clique that accepts it within their one group.

Case in point, the Stormwind Law Project is controversial because it aims to create in-character laws for other players to abide by, and some RPers feel it would prevent them from doing whatever chaos they want to have fun with on a given day.

Pretty much the only headcanon that’s anywhere close to “universally accepted” here would be that the Lion’s Pride Inn in Goldshire is a brothel, and that’s only because of the OOC fact that ERPers hang out there and people from outside the server swing by to gawk at how “Moon Guard is so weird!


Oh man you’re bring back flashbacks for me. A large some did try to make server lore a thing.

And Arthryn is right it is universally agree Lion’s Pride is a brothel. Hell, even Blizz has silently agree with this. If you read the last WoW novel it has Anduin in his mind point out how attractive the barmaid is.

And in the WoW movie in a deleted sense Lorthar has sex with Garona in the Lion’s Pride inn. I’m not joking. lol

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Light Save the Queen


If this is a reference to Blood of Lordaeron guild with their queen Madelynne whose followers bought into her having a legitimate claim to the Lordaeron throne… in my experience that was still just something you could opt out of (in terms of server rp) if you didn’t want to drink their guild kool-aid. However, let me caveat this by saying 1) I have never been really fully entrenched in server rp, and 2) I haven’t seen anyone from BoL around in a very long time.

Isn’t this the -SAME- law project that was giving out ‘papers’ to allow Horde races into the Alliance cities?

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Light Save the Queen


People recognize different events and stories. No one is forced to acknowledge them. So if someone on Moon Guard (notice it’s two words) tells you

you can certainly chose not to opt into that.
Or you could respond

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News to me, but I wouldn’t be surprised.

All I’m saying is that there’s a lot of headcanons specific to certain in-groups and all but one of them have been rejected by the server as a whole.

I dunno about any kings but I know the steward, Lord Aeron, has been holding it down until somebody takes up the throne again.

Thanks for the answers!

Based on what everyone has said it does seem to me then like the headcanon stuff was blown way out of proportion. I half expected to come back to this thread with a link to a wiki page titled “Moonguard lore”.

The reason I asked in the first place is I’m curious about making an alt over here. I know Moonguard is the largest of the US RP realms and it’s predominantly Alliance and I do miss my old Night Elf and Draenei characters. I’m actually based in Asia right now so the time difference makes it difficult for me to find role play that isn’t just tavern slice-of-life stuff but I figure I’d have a better chance at finding stuff on the bigger RP server (I’m usually hanging out on Wyrmrest)

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Moon Guard as a server has had a lot of massive events and massive projects and, by virtue of being such a longstanding hub for our hobby, the history of those things has had varied effects depending on who you interact with.

There’s no requisite “lore” that anyone new to the server should feel beholden to.

If you do roll an alt here, you may hear some wild stories but don’t expect them to be universal; the most important rule, after all, is to just have fun and make your own. :relieved:


Stories and tales of years gone by is something I actually like hearing about, even on Argent Dawn we had our own. (seriously ask ANY old timer from Argent Dawn about the “magic beer” and they will know exactly what I’m talking about.)

As long as I can go in with just my WoW lore knowledge and don’t need to adhere to some server lore like “All Warlocks must have a license” or osme rubbish I’ll be just dandy.

The closest thing that’d have to reality is stuff like various guard guilds or law projects. And in that case if they’re reasonable you can present an IC license or simply say you don’t agree with that take, they have no ‘OOC authority’.

Timing of the post is kind of ironic OP, I’ve been thinking of making the jump to AD. MG is a pretty friendly place, I know it’s been stated but there isn’t any over-arching knowledge you need to have of player-written lore. I think the MG wiki has some info on “server canon” but it’s entirely up to you if you want to accept it.

I think server lore is awesome and it would be great to have more of it!

You guys are inspiring me as to how we could entice more people over to MG Horde. The MG wiki is a great resource MG Horde could use more often.

Now, how about some cool ideas? Hmm, we could elect one of our players to be the stand in watching! An election would be fun.


There used to be an Alliance Defense Council and a Horde Defense Council a few years ago on WRA. That’d be neat if MG had something similar. The challenge here is keeping it open to everyone and prevent it from turning into a clique that excludes the community.


laughs in COBRA/AEGIS